Can't retrieve files

I tried to open my business file but I got a message there is a choice to make change folder or reset folder. The files are on my desktop in the Manager folder but when I select change folder and select that folder Manager nor I see them from that window. I can see them if I go to file explorer or my desktop. The original path was through onedrive but I have now disabled onedrive. I tried selecting reset folder and now I cannot see my business in the Manager business window. The files are on my computer though I just cannot get Manager to “see” them.

You need to say what version of Manager you are using

I presume you are using a PC and Windows but please confirm that, including what Windows version you are using

They should not be. I will let a Windows user discuss where they should be.

What are you referring to? Where was such an option presented to you?

I figured this out. I couldn’t locate my post to edit it was solved as it wasn’t showing under my account. I just needed to select import file and then I could select it. The files were on my desktop in a folder. I am using windows 11. But I could not see the files when I selected the change folder option.

I’m a Windows user but I can’t follow what you did or didn’t do

But glad that you are now sorted