Can't Open a Manager File directly

I’ve updated to the latest version available on the site yesterday (May 6, 2020), and I am still having the issue. This needs to be fixed.

The version can be updated many times in a day - especially to correct bugs.
Saying you updated yesterday is not enough information - what version did you download?

And the bug you are referring to is still listed amongst bugs, so it has not been fixed yet

I downloaded Version 20.5.7 yesterday, Windows version.

And you are already 10 versions behind.

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Fair enough. I went and updated to the latest version on the website (version 20.5.17 Windows as of this writing), and the bug is still there.

If you read the rest of this thread, you can see that the bug has not been addressed yet. But as there is a perfectly good workaround, it probably isn’t as high a priority as some other bugs

This issue is now fixed in the latest version (20.6.71)

You will notice when you open file directly, you will be able to click on Businesses button too which will give you list of all businesses you have in the same folder as the file you have clicked on.

Almost, but not quite, @lubos. When opening a backup file directly, this warning is still displayed:

Screen Shot 2020-06-10 at 9.45.24 AM

But when the OK button is clicked, the program launches and displays the Businesses page. But the standalone file does not open. And no list of other businesses in the same folder appears At least that is how v20.6.75 desktop edition is working. On that basis, I am putting this back into bugs.

Didn’t work on Mac. The latest version (20.6.78) works on Mac too.

@lubos, opening a file (such as a backup) directly now works on a Mac. But a blank business named 00000000000000000000000000000000.manager is simultaneously created in whatever folder the business file you are opening was in (including the desktop, if that’s where your backup was). Normally, I would think a file with this name should be the index file from the application data folder, but it opens directly in Manager as a new business with that name.

If I open that file with a text editor, it contains:

Screen Shot 2020-06-10 at 3.51.03 PM

When you open file directly, Manager will launch with application data folder being set to the folder of the opened file. You can go to Preferences tab and see application data folder is being set to the folder of the file.

So this means 00000000000000000000000000000000.manager will be created in that folder. In future, I’d like Application Data folder be nothing but list of businesses without any other “helping” files but I’m not there yet.


Personally, I never really understood why Manager ever allowed Users to open their business files directly.