Cannot select AR in purchase Invoices

Dear All
I am using cloud version of manager.
today I found that I cannot select the AR in the purchase Invoices same as in journal entry.
I believed that I can set select the AR in purchase Invoices in the previous version.
eg. my AR account code is 100202

sorry for poor English and thank you for your help.

No problem here using desktop version 21.3.82
Maybe a restart of your Cloud server might fix this - Manager Cloud

You need to show more information about your settings, chart of accounts, etc

@ctsmp what’s your use-case for selecting accounts receivable account on purchase invoices? I actually didn’t realize it was possible. I feel like I made a big mistake not picking this up earlier and now something I’d consider a bug has became a feature. That “feature” stopped working in the latest version.

Can you shed some light why do you need this ability on purchase invoices?

Are you trying to do a “Charge Back”, i.e. this new invoice is replacing another old invoice for some reason? (occasionally this is a valid scenario). e.g. Customers remittance indicates a deduction and that they consider paid in full, you say no way and charge back but decide to close out original invoice and specifically rebill the deducted amount? No other reason I can think of that you would be trying to put the invoice line back to AR?

@lubos @alasdair @Joe91
sorry for the late reply and thank you for the comment.
maybe this is not a proper process but the background is we have sell/purchase transaction with supplier A.

at first, we issue the invoice to supplier A with the offset amount.
(expense we do need to pay to them)
:arrow_right: AR 120 / Sales 120
expense 20 / AR 20

after we issued the invoice due to some reason supplier A decline us to offset the payment and paid us in full instead and send their invoice to us.
:arrow_right: cash 120 / AR 120

due to tax rules, we cannot re-issued the invoice,
so we do have to adjust the AR to AP via purchase invoice for accrual of the payable amount.
:arrow_right: AR 20 / AP 20

if this is not a feature, I am fine with this and will adjust the transaction with a journal voucher.
(this is not a normal transaction for us too.)
thank you.

@ctsmp, when you have simultaneous sales and purchases with the same business, there are 3 different approaches to offsetting these. None are what you tried to do. See this Guide: Offset simultaneous sales and purchase invoices | Manager. It explains all 3 approaches.

My understanding is where an entity is both a supplier and customer you need to enter the entity into Manager twice

  • As a customer in the customer tab
  • As a supplier in the supplier tab

Purchase and sales Invoices with that entity can then be created.

Then when a financial transaction occurs the payment or receipt can then have line items to both accounts receivable and accounts payable. The full transaction can be documented by by printing all of

  • Payment / Receipt
  • Sales invoice
  • Purchase invoice

The disadvantage of Managers current implementation of contacts is it cannot generate a statement for that entity (only separate supplier and customer statements for each part of the business interaction). A possible solution is to combine the supplier and customer databases into a contacts database as described here Copy Customer to Supplier and vice versa - #2 by Patch Manager could then product a statement for that entity (in both of their roles) which you could then send to them, requesting payment of the net balance. Which I think was the function of the problematic invoice above.

The problem you have addressed is part of a more general opportunity for Manager: How to better handle invoiced Barter transactions and Recipient-created tax invoices (RCTI) in Manager.

With Manager “cash” sales this can be approximated in one transaction by selecting Payer/Payee type “Other”.

@Patch , Thank you.

@Tut, Thank you for the guideline.
Due to our contract with supplier A, they do not need to send us an invoice for billing us at the first hand. we will send the invoice with the deducted expense(netting amount) to them.
so I only set the customer to control this.
(I know this is kind of weird for not setting the AP and say offset)
btw, I fine with the journal entries approach.