Cannot import my Business and i need serious help Urgent

I am using Manager from 2 Years and I just change window today and I put file in the usb but now when I put again and try to import it than it is giving me invalid format. Need Help Urgent.

Update your software and try again. There was a problem caused by the Windows 10 update that was fixed already.

I already did that @Tut but file still not working…Can I send you the file because I think it got corrupt by me.

Have you read this topic - there is a solution near the middle you could attempt

The solution suggested in the topic @Brucanna linked to is no longer recommended (since v18.1.37).

No. I am not the developer. I’m a forum moderator. To get help on the forum, you will need to give much more detail:

  • Operating system
  • Old version number if you know it. If not, approximate date you installed or updated.
  • Exactly what you did when you “put file in the usb.”
  • Why you are trying to import your business instead of using the file already in your application data folder.

As various other forum users try to help you resolve you problem, please understand that this type of issue is extremely difficult to work on remotely, because no one can see your system. So there will probably be many requests to show screen shots of folder contents, Manager displays, etc.