First off - thanks for building a great piece of software.
I’m having issues with finding Uncategorized Transactions after importing my bank transactions.
First of all - I don’t see any direct way of accessing the “Uncategorized Receipts” screen other than via the message reading "
There is one or more uncategorized receipts which can be categorized using receipt rules" - perhaps this is user error?
Secondly, sometimes the previously mentioned message/link is not visible even though there are uncategorized receipts remaining. I can make the link appear if I do a search which brings enough uncategorized results to the first page.
My workaround once this link disappears has either been to do a search as above or go to the suspense account from the summary - I don’t find this particularly user friendly but I could be overlooking an important part of the UI.
According to this link: there should be a button which I do not see in my UI (picture attached) nor do I see the “New Payment Rule” button elsewhere other than the settings tab.
Any balance in Suspense signals a problem. Never attempt to clear the Suspense account with a journal entry. That only hides problems and usually makes both your Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Statement inaccurate. Problems that caused transactions to post to Suspensemust be identified and corrected.
My accounts are all up to date now so there are no entries in the Suspense account but I had to use the Summary > Suspense Account link to see all of the uncategorized payments/receipts as there is no “Uncategorized Receipts”/“Uncategorized Payments” button showing for me in the respective “Receipts”/“Payments” tabs.
This was my workaround to be able to see those payments/receipts which need actioning.
(i.e. I edited each transaction and categorized it into the correct account from the Suspense transactions list)
In case it helps for further clarification, the flow was:
import bank transactions via CSV
do not see any link to the “Uncategorized Receipts” page
go to suspense account and categorize them there OR figure out a search that makes the “There is one or more uncategorized receipts which can be categorized using receipt rules” link appear.
Without the above I see no way to access Uncategorized Receipts/Payments
Please note that the Suspense accounts only appears in the Summary page whenever Manager throws something in it that needs correcting. There is nothing that you enter yourself in the Suspense account, as explained in the guides it shows that something is wrong, in your case not categorizing the receipts and payments. There has never been such button under the receipts and payments tabs. You need to manually edit each payment and receipt you find via the Suspense account link and assign them to the accounts they belong to.
You are right that Manager would alert to uncategorized payments in the Payments tab (not with button as in guides but as per screenshot below), which you can “batch update” when clicking on the link. This was tested in Manager Server Edition (Ubuntu 20.04) version
The bug is that if there are no payments to trigger the “There is one or more…” message on page 1 the message will not be displayed and the feed contains uncategorized payments unbeknownst to the user. This occurs when all transactions on page 1 have indeed been categorized already (leaving uncategorized transactions on deeper pages).
i.e. a typical scenario would be to have transactions loaded newest first but if there are uncategorized transactions on page 10, I would not receive that message.
I too may be missing something here. I have created a fresh business and am now importing a whole year of bank transactions in one go (496 transactions in all). When I open the bank account from the Summary all of these are - naturally - in the Suspense account. (There is one more transaction, the Starting Balance.)
I see no mention of Uncategorized Transactions on this screen. If I navigate to the Suspense account through the Summary, the same 496 transactions are seen, no mention of UT’s either.
If I pick one transaction I can define a rule for it, fine, but I again see no way of applying it.
What might I be missing?
Added: I now seem to understand. To record it for others: The Uncategorized Transactions button only appears on the Receipts and Payments tabs, not on the Bank Transactions tab nor on the Suspense tab.