Importing bank statements

The guide says when importing bank statements there is a message
“This bank account contains x uncategorized transactions” with a view button.
My previous version had this but it has disappeared now. I can see transactions by clicking on the suspense account balance but this is not as convenient. I am using desktop version 17.9.50.

The process has been streamlined somewhat, but the Guide has not yet been updated. (That will happen today, thanks to your flagging the problem.)

Uncategorized transactions now are shown on the main Bank Accounts tab listing:

20 AM

Click on the number in the Uncategorized column to see the list. There are also a couple of other discrepancies in the Guide that will be fixed, but I think someone like you with experience importing statements will see your way past them until they are corrected.

@BarrieJ, the Guides have been updated. See:

Thanks for reply. I had not noticed the new place to click as I had only gone into the Bank Transactions area and not the Bank Accounts area.
Thanks to all involved in Manager for a great program.

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