Caddy SSL Expired certificate

Caddy server is working fine, but the certifcate is expired? any ideas how to renew?

some url SSL expired and some url SSL is about to expire, appreaicte help out

You will get better support for a third party application on that program’s website or a general network communication / computer forum

but the SSL installed using Caddy follwoing the guide on Manager website, so may be guidence here will be easier

Much Appreciated @Patch

i do reinstall new VM, and when run caddy using same custom domian it issue certificate, but had expiry same as old one ?

using different custom domain, certificate expiry after three months ?
any suggestions
@Patch @lubos

Caddy support is via the Caddy forum.

Using the server versions of Manager requires specialised server administration knowledge and skills. If you do not have those skill your self you will need to employee a local IT consultant.

Please seriously consider the cloud version as it is likely to be more economical for you in the longer term after you have accurately include the full cost of recovering from local faults and maintenance.

A good alternative to Caddy is Certbot (see also I only have experience with Ubuntu server so for a Manager Ubuntu Server installation follow all the instructions at Ubuntu | Manager until " Setting up HTTPS". I use the follow code to get the Certbot certification that is automatically renewing Letsencryp SSL certificate every 60 days:

SSH (for example with terminal) into the server running your HTTP website as a user with sudo privileges:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install snapd
sudo snap install hello-world
hello-world (test should show hello-world if successful)

sudo snap install core; sudo snap refresh core
sudo apt-get remove certbot
sudo snap install --classic certbot
sudo ln -s /snap/bin/certbot /usr/bin/certbot
sudo certbot --apache
sudo certbot renew --dry-run

CHECK in Browser:
SSL Server Test (Powered by Qualys SSL Labs) (enter YOURURL to see if certificate issued and valid)
https://YOURURL (use your domain’s url, should be working)

SSL is just one method to improve security but you must ensure also that you “harden” your server, just search harden ubuntu server on what this means.

I agree with @Patch that if you do not really know what you are doing then it is better and safer to use the Cloud version.

thanks @eko am working now with certbot,