SSL error after installing Manager Server edition on VPS server


Getting SSL error after installing Manager Server edition on VPS server.

I have followed these steps to install manager software.

But getting ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR while access it. Check this:

I think something wrong with Caddy. When i checked the Caddy status on server. It shows failed status.

root@server:~# systemctl status caddy
● caddy.service
Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/caddy.service; enabled; vendor preset:>
Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Wed 2024-01-31 11:32:19 UTC; 15mi>
Main PID: 29434 (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)

Please read the server edition FAQ, especially where is indicates:


I understand, but a little help needed. Could you please advice me, why this issue occurred.

I have followed your provided steps. Is we can use another service for SSL, instead of Caddy?

It seems you don’t understand. As indicated, you should consult a local IT specialist.


As recommended you should consult and IT person.

You installed Manager on a subdomain of which already correctly has an SSL Certificate installed. Are manager and the main domain on the same VPS? Also note from installation instructions that “…This will involve setting up A record on your domain so the domain name (or subdomain) points to IP address of your VPS (it says in instructions Internet router)…”

You can not have exactly done as prescribed at Ubuntu | Manager because you would have at least changed the folder.

No,manager and the main domain are not hosted on same VPS server.

I have pointed A record for subdomain, which point to VPS IP address.

I think this is Port 80 is already in use issue.

thanks for sharing it
it’s so helpful

i am using manager on VPS for last 5 years never faced such issue.
you should use without port number, it is showing Self sign cert issue.

Did you try to reissue certificate? just find and delete certificate on vps, on next attemp to open it will create new certificate.

i am also using it on subdomain without any problem

edit: i just checked, your link is opening Webuzo. contol panel installed on VPS. For accounting software you use separate VPS and install only manager related material on it.

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