Budget Percentages

The percentages in the report are not appearing even though there are figures in both the actual and budget fields. Thanks.

Enter your expenses as negative values in the budget report, and it should fix it for you. A few people have run into this.

It should probably be updated to work with all positive numbers. Manager knows which are expense accounts, and positive numbers are expected elsewhere, so it makes sense for consistency.

@Tut or @Brucanna - would you say this is a bug?

No, I would not say it is a bug. The requirement to enter expenses as negative numbers was designed into the report. It was announced that way in the release note, and the Guide (Create a budget | Manager) includes a special note on this fact.

Yes, Manager knows the difference between income and expense accounts. But there is nothing in accounting that prohibits use of contra accounts (those normally having opposite signs to their balances) or contra entries. Someone could be preparing a budget for a period during which they expect, for example, to reverse a purchase of equipment, resulting in a contra balance in an expense account, which would then have to be entered as a positive number.

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Enter “budget” expenses as negative

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Thanks very much

Sorry, my reply could have been clearer.

I will clarify that when I said “Enter your expenses as negative values”, I meant to enter the expense budget values as negatives in the report only – not to modify transactions.

Thanks for clarifying Brucanna.