Billed To and Billed by Labels on Invoice

Some well needed labels missing in the invoice are:

  1. Billed To
  2. Billed by
  3. Tax Invoice

Its Not Missing… If you need that labels, you can make it by your custom theme. For make Custom theme, you have some knowledge of HTML Coding. If not than hire some Programmer for this small work to make a customized theme as per your need.
Some Free themes by manager link given bellow… But, It dose not have Billed to and Billed by labels…

So all i need to do is download a custom theme. Copy the code, make the changes that i want and copy paste the new code in the new theme option provided in the software. That’s it right?

In Settings, you can find themes option, open it and make a new theme with appropriate name…and Copy the code there. :+1:

Thanks a lot. Already working on it.

If you are Indian then you can use this custom theme also.

and also Read the Bellow Topic for Indian GST.

Thanks. Looks pretty good compared to the default theme. But i have this total amount in words showing on the top. I will need to use my coding skills. Haven’t done coding in years but will give it a try. Thanks anyways.

remove the older one… and Use this… its updated. Credit goes to @sharpdrivetek

i have used your theme code but when give print then no billed to and ship to appears,

how to show and enter that ship to address is if different, also from where to addno of packages, wieght transporter and also other detalis as per your format…

please help me…

Don’t put personal information in your posts. I have deleted it.