Related - Other interesting behavior with phantom payments-
Trying to create an invoice from these Billable expenses, I created a blank invoice (which showed up as paid in full) to which I then allocated the billable expense to - I got to Billable Expenses through Summary (chart of accounts) and edited the billable expense there by allocating it to the blank invoice.
It zeroed out the Billable Expense account BUT it did not put the Billable Expense item on the blank invoice. The invoice shows still blank and Paid In Full. when I tired to to delete the blank invoice, it showed two payments to it paying the billable expenses. It is not clear where that payment came from as it is not reflected in the Customer account.
The Guide has not been updated after the method for activating the feature was changed. There is no longer a separate Billable Expenses tab because there are not separate billable expense transactions. (And there never were.) There are only line items that are posted to the Billable expenses account (and a particular customer’s subaccount). Other than how you enable the capability, however, everything else works as described in the Guide.
It will if any customer has ever had a billable expense. From a test business:
Note that the column persists even if all uninvoiced amounts are zero, because the customer subaccounts still record the corresponding debits and credits.
As for your “phantom payments” issue, what you see is exactly how the program is designed to work. You need to reread the Guide on invoicing billable expenses. See the portions late in the Guide about adding billable expenses to a sales invoice, as well as the text that follows. The processes may seem somewhat cumbersome, because the feature is designed to be easiest to use when the expenses are recorded first, followed by generation of the sales invoice.
If the program is not following the Guide in this regard, you have entered something incorrectly. You will need to post screen shots of the Edit screens of related transactions.
Manager advances very quickly, simplifying and adding features and capabilities. Sometimes, bugs occur with new releases. But these are usually fixed rapidly, often within minutes. So if you encounter a problem with the desktop or server editions, update Manager, even if you recently did. (The cloud edition is always up to date.) You can check the latest version at .
So you should first update Manager as you are 24 versions behind.
You can add or remove columns by using the option Edit columns:
thanks for that, it made the biggest functional difference
that seemed to eliminate the phantom payments (or I just now know where to look)
Will keep that in mind, I figured I was close enough on such a basic function - and that it varied from the Guide had me wondering what’s going on.
?? Any automated was to know a new version is out and/or an update process that is easier than the download/install - maybe like a button in Manager?
I use the off-line version since much of the work is done in locations without connection and use a cloud data location as described in the Guides - and work on several computers so updating each one can get missed. It is helpful when I open on one computer and it says data file is newer must update.