Bilingual invoice

Dear All

Actually I’m using Manager accounting software since more than four years , now we have new requirement in Qatar that the invoice should be bilingual ( Arabic – English ) at the same time

And it’s very critical because there is fine if we don’t follow the new rules , I navigate through Manager Form and as I understand there is no solution for bilingual invoice till today

Now its turning point for us either we have to find solution or change the accounting software

I need your advise to solve this issue


Custom themes are the solution. But it has to be done in the localizations server.

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Maybe read this guide, especially the paragraph Advice for multi-language businesses

Dear Mr. Alfardan
what the next step to procced with custom themes ?
anyone try to create one ?

Please advise

We wish to have this feature soon

You need to create a new custom theme for multi language invoice.
Follow this Guide
Which is suggested by @Mark

As I mention before as per new rules the invoice should be ( Arabic & English ) at the same time

Just out of curiosity. I have been searching on Qatar tax laws and the only reference to language is that they must be in Arabic since 2016. I can not find anything that says they must be in English. I ask because some used to invoice in French and they had to ensure they included Arabic, not the other way around. So where can I find these new rules you refer to that it must be English as my contacts then need to use even 3 languages, ie French, English and Arabic. Thank you in advance for sharing so I can alert them about the source.

dear oke
they mention Arabic language and any other foreign beside

Law No. (8) of 2008, especially the following articles: (7), (8), (11), (13) and (17)
These campaigns come within the framework of the Ministry’s keenness to regulate and monitor the markets and commercial activities in the country with the aim of controlling prices and detecting abuses in order to protect the rights of consumers, in implementation of Circular No. (5) of 2016 regarding the Arabization of invoices, lists of services and commodity data, which highlighted the following: Adoption of the Arabic language When presenting the basic data of the goods, and when alerting to the risks that may result from the wrong use of the goods. The data attached to the commodity must be written in Arabic, and a foreign language must be used alongside it.

Go to Settings > Themes and then you can copy the plain theme to a new theme and make the changes from there.

But since I see that it’s already in ideas and the developer hasn’t said anything about it, I guess a checkbox could be introduced to solve this.

I wonder if, instead of (or in addition to) a checkbox, we can have a {{ }} which is always in English and another {{ field.label }} which is translated in the viewing language.

This doesn’t relate to invoices. This is in regards to the physical goods, ads and displays.

Thank you @Adnan, you confirmed what I guessed, ie there are no new rules that make it compulsory to have English and Arabic on invoices. You confirmed that the 2016 rule that we knew of makes it compulsory that an invoice is in Arabic and voluntary to add another language. So my contacts can use Arabic and French or Arabic and English as long as Arabic is there. I understand your request that you wish to use Arabic and English but that is not compulsory by the Qatar authorities.

@Ealfardan is already advising you with regards to custom themes and he rightly points out that this is in the ideas category hence our discussions and need for clarification. It is up to the developer @Lubos if he decides to take this on but as @Ealfardan mentions this seems to fit more the localizations effort, be it that more than English as second language should be included as I already referred to French.

Dear All

the conclusion we need some HTML expert to modify the themes , so can anyone of you suggest some HTML expert do do this task ?

Hello @Adnan

You do not need HTML Expert but you need LIQUID Expert.
Because Custom themes are written in LIQUID Language.

If this is legal requirement, then this needs to be core feature within the program. HTML themes are not for satisfying legal requirements.

But generally speaking, mixing left-to-right and right-to-left language on the same document can be quite tricky from layout point of view.

@Adnan any accounting system that already does this? Can you post screenshot how such an invoice look like?

Only Arabic since 2016 is the legal requirement on invoices. However, many companies in Qatar trade with mainly English and French speaking countries. My point was that it can not be restricted to Arabic and English if implemented because some would only use Arabic and French and could post a similar request. So it is up to you if you make it possible to add more languages to the compulsory Arabic or provide tools so the users can do this themselves as maybe someone needs Arabic and German or Spanish, etc.

Could be like this one?!


the one shared by Mr Ehab more than enough
also we can make simple one like this

@lubos yes there is few accounting systems can do that in our region , but I’m happy with manager.
for that I’m trying to find solution

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In the latest version (22.1.1) there is new checkbox on sales invoices called Bilingual. It shows if you are using Manager in language that is not English.


When checkbox is checked, Manager will append English labels to most foreign language labels.

Example of Arabic bilingual invoice: