I would like to use invoices that are in French (because I live there and that is required by the French government) and in Dutch (because most of my customers are Dutch or Flemish). I tried to change that in Manager.io, but I think that it is not possible to leave English out. Or is it?
First, you should read and understand the Guide: Set language | Manager. There, you will learn how Manager’s translations work. Most important is the information about how Manager uses a lookup table for translations. If something is not in the table, it will not be translated. Be sure to read the entire Guide. Some of its points are subtle, but important.
Second, translations are provided by volunteer teams. While Dutch is 100% translated, French is only 87% translated at this moment. So some terms will not be translated when switching to French.
Thanks for the quick response. I have read the passage in the Guide. Switching from one language to another is indeed easy to do, but if I understand correctly, it’s not possible to use a bilingual option French-Dutch?
That is correct. One non-English language at a time. The reason the bilingual-with-English option is available at all is that the program is written in English. So the English original is always available. The translation occurs before display rendering. The default English is simply repeated.
@Kabeljauws so far nobody has requested this. I will add this to ideas
to see what traction it gets. This can be either built-in feature or something that will be solved by upcoming new custom themes.
This idea would address concerns some users have expressed about their own multilingual staff, which might have implied concern for customers, too.
That said, it is worth considering situations where a second foreign language is only partially translated. It would be quite strange—even objectionable—to have some terms appear twice in English.