I have recently been requested to apply divisions to income and expenses to segregate funding streams within our company. As there are thousands of receipts i was wondering if there is a way to batch update certain incomes and expenses to apply the same division to all of them. Thanks in advance.
You cannot perform batch operations on income or expense accounts. But you can use Batch Update to apply or change division selections to receipts and payments. Modify the Lines.Division
column. You will need to determine the UUIDs for your divisions first.
Just wondering as to were i can see this option? im working through expenses and can get batch view but doesnt seem to be a batch edit or update option anywhere i can see. Thanks
Rather sorry how do i determine my UUIDS
Batch Update is available when viewing the Payments and Receipts tabs, not when drilling down on account balances.
Manually enter divisions for at least one transaction for each division. Then, you will see the UUIDs after pasting the copied data into a spreadsheet during the update process. Of course, you must record which transaction you have assigned to which division. Also note that the Lines.Division
cell requires a UUID for every line on the transaction you are updating.
If the division is call Alpha, when i paste the batch into excel should i see Alpha under line.division or will it be seen as something else? i have a few recipts in the patch with the devision inserted but doesnt seem to be coming up on excel
It seems that the ones I have divided are coming up with strings of code rather than the division title, can i just copy this code to all line.division in the batch
You will not see the word Alpha. You will see Alpha’s UUID, what you referred to as a string of code. And you need to include that for every line in a transaction.
You should be experimenting with this in a test business or a backup, not your actual accounting records.
So how do i actually get the divisions filled in with what i need and not the UUID? The forum says i need to build a list associated the UUID with the division title. How do i accomplish this so i can batch update
If i fill the line.division coloum in excel with the UUID for the division will it update as the division title when pasted back into manager?
Batch updates are too complex to explain one post at a time. Do this in a test business to learn about it.
Ok, Thanks for your help