Batch Update Tax Codes for Inventory Items

How do I create the codes for Batch Updating my Inventory list? They seem to be individual for each item. My tax codes are standard - GST 10%. I have 3500 items to update.

What do you mean by “codes”?

Hi, sorry, probably wrong terminology - but they look like this - 8cf9d117-3142-4d9c-82ee-b57a0e22c821 and the next one looks like this 8cf9d117-3142-4d9c-82ee-b57a0e22c838 as an example. This is in my Batch Update excel file in the DefaultTaxCode column.

Each tax code has it’s own code

You will have to work out which is which and then use the aporopriate one

OK, but I am using the same tax for each - GST 10%. If I input them in the inventory list as GST 10% before I Batch Update each line in the excel file seems to be different - as per the two examples. If I copy and paste just one for every item will it work or do they all have to be individual?

If you go to the Tax codes in settings and get the batch update for the tax codes and paste it into an Excel spreadsheet the Key column (last column) gives you the UUID code for each tax code.

Hi, thanks very much for your help. When I copied and mass pasted the UUID into Excel (from within the same file) it auto changed the UUID to form a pattern (I guess) so each string of numbers in the UUID was slightly different for each row (consecutive). I used your method AJD and it worked. Thanks again