Batch update Sales Invoice, Receive money, Spend money

Is there a facility to batch update to create New Sales Invoice, Receive money, Spend money.
We have this data in a spreadsheet starting from 01-Apr-2016, and we want to put into Manager.

Batch update is about updating existing records and batch create is creating new records.

If you need to batch create new sales invoices, that is not currently supported. You can import cash/bank transactions if you have them in some bank format (e.g. QIF, OFX) or CSV format.

This seriously is a need to the system. I wish you could add this feature to the manager app.

As there are instances where the inventory/billing system is a separate entity and you would want to run your accounting in manager, then this would really be handy at such times where you could generate / export into excel report with all the sales invoices and import (batch create) on manager. it would definitely save a heap amount of time.

@Premm, you may misunderstand how complex it is to integrate different financial systems performing related functions. Each has its own database structure, variables, etc., as well as internal relationships among variables. Companies that run multiple systems often spend huge sums of money to make them work in compatible fashions. It is never so simple as exporting/importing a spreadsheet.

@Tut you do have a point there. I wish we had a quicker method to transfer data from one system to another.

I want to add an entry (eg: xyz product = 10$) in 85 different invoices of the same company (eg: Star Exports) as i missed it previously for some reason. Now when I tried using batch update option and copied it in MS Office Excel I am just not able to figure out how to add this entry and update all 85 invoices.
It will be very helpful if some one can throw some light on the topic and guide me the way.


This will be quite difficult, because so many elements in the spreadsheet are indecipherable hexadecimal keys. These are used to refer to all subsidiary ledgers, including customers, bank accounts, inventory items, and so forth. So you need a process to separately identify which keys belong to which customers, inventory items, etc. Then you would need to add appropriate content to many different cells for the 85 invoices.

My opinion is that by the time you figured all this out, it would be faster to edit the invoices manually. It will also be less prone to errors. The truth is, batch update operations on sales invoices were not designed for manual use. They are really there to accommodate automated interaction with the data base.