The totals for all accounts in the balance sheet and export do not match.
In the balance sheet view, negatives and positives are swapped on the Liabilities side compared to the balance sheet view.
So that if you import them to a spreadsheet, they will add up?
Well, it’s simply not consistent and therefore confuding.
The summary and balance sheet show for example negative numbers in Liabilities → Tax payable
And in the export of the balance sheet, it’s a positive number.
Summing is difficult with all the totals in between anyway.
Your post is not clear.
Export of what?
Liabilities are part of the balance sheet. What are you referring to as “the Liabilities side?”
Are you possibly referring to the Profit and Loss side of the chart of accounts, where you have the ability (under Settings) to check whether a group belongs to Expenses
? Checking this box will reverse the signs of accounts in the group.
This feature is present because the most common way to show accounting results is with all positive numbers. That reduces clutter on the page. The sign of accounts is known from context, and from the heading saying, for example, Less: Expenses. Uncheck the box and the heading changes to simply Expenses and the signs reverse.
The export button at the bottom right of the balance sheet report.
All entries under the Liabilities group.
And the export: (red is wrong, but green is ok)
I can’t follow that example - post the edit view of the transactions
I looks like you owe your employee 30 and that you have overpaid your payroll liabilities by 80
… it has NOTHING to do with the actual bookings, as they are the same. I don’t now why you keep failing to read every single post I do.
I post 3 balance sheets.
Reports → Balance
Reports → Balance → Export
The last one is not the same as the other 2.
It says -30 instead of 30 like the others.
and 80 instead of -80
and 50 instead of -50
How much clearer can I be?
I can only repeat what Tut said - it is customary to show figures as positive in accounts and to read the + or - from the context -ie liabilities are shown as +positives in the balance sheet
The exported data is treated differently but so what?
If you are exporting it, presumably you are going to transform it in some way to present it differently
It is not consistent and simply incorrect. That is the problem. It says:
Assets: -100
Less Liabilies: 50
This would total to: -100 less 50 = -150
@joris_manager, you are discussing differences between numerical data and presentation of that data in standard accounting formats. There are no errors or inconsistencies.
No, it does not. The presentation on the Summary is “Less: Liabilities -50.” The combination of “Less” and the negative sign constitute a double negative, which is a positive. The accounting equation is Assets - Liabilities = Equity. So, in your example, -100 - (-50) = -50. And that is correct.
The presentation on your Balance Sheet screen shot is also correct, but substitutes parentheses for negative signs, as is customary.
The numbers in your final screen shot of the export present the inputs to fields on the balance sheet report. But the report performs manipulations of those inputs to put them into the standard formats. Exports show positive or negative numbers depending on whether they are debits or credits in the database. (Debits are positive, credits are negative.) Your example is not intuitive because almost every account balance is opposite of what is normally experienced.
On the Summary and Balance Sheet report you have
Assets -100 ie you are overdrawn at the bank
Liabilities are -50 ie you are owed 50 - you owe your employee 30 and are owed 80 on the Payroll liabilities
Net assets = 100 - (-50) = -50
Total equity -50
On the export the numbers are the same bar the inconsistency of the signs
@joris_manager, i think the problem is coming from when you were entering the cash at bank. To me, a negative bank balance cannot be treated an asset, i think it should be a liability
The actual numbes don’t matter. The point is that the export is simply incorrect.
The exported balance sheet says minus. New example: 1000 eur revenue.
Tax payable -210. But it says Af: Passiva, so that’s a positive.
Totaal - Passiva - 160,00
If we do the calculation according the export:
Assets - Liabilities = Equity
1110 - ( -160 ) = 1270
But it should be 950
I do not know how to explain this any better, @joris_manager. So I will do it in the other direction:
The export exports the numbers that make up the report: 1100 - 160 = 950. The export also include the text labels for the report. But the labels do not mean anything in the context of the export. The labels were created for the context of the built-in report.
The report follows standard accounting practices of showing all numbers on a balance sheet as positives except contra account balances. So a bank account with money in it (a debit) shows as positive. But a liability account indicating you owe money to a tax authority (a credit) also shows as a positive. This is the result of the coding for the report taking the inputs for the various fields and manipulating them into the standard format.
The same is generally true for income and expenses. However, Manager goes one step further and allows you to designate P&L account groups on the Profit and Loss Statement as expenses or not expenses. This has the effect of reversing signs for the P&L report if you prefer a different practice.
Once again, this is not a bug. The program is designed this way.
Wasn’t there a topic about copy/pasting reports in excel and the need for consistent formatting of those?