The ledger account will be shown 8 columns (edit, view, date, transaction, description, debit, credit, balance). but when I click on of the titles for instance transaction or description title to sort it ascending or descending then
@ralfie, it appears you are not taking advantage of the program’s features as intended. You have not enabled any functional tabs beyond the default ones. You need to read the Guides about enabling tabs, setting up cash and bank accounts, entering receipts and payments, and so forth. As a result, all your transactions are journal entries. When used correctly, journal entries are quite rare in Manager. You are also not able to use very many of the built-in reports, because they appear in the Reports tab only when the relevant functional tabs are enabled.
That is not the point what I am trying to say! its not about taking or not taking the advantages. The point is that the balance column is always disappear when I do any sorting by clicking the column titles! here another example. I am using the advantage of this software’s features in Bank and Cash Accounts
So “by design” here means that its stopping showing the running balance anytime we do the sorting! I thought its a bug or something because others accounting software not doing this “by design”!
I understood your point from your first post, @ralfie. You do not make yourself any clearer by showing examples from a different business. In fact, you make your point more difficult to understand.
@Ealfardan has already explained why the final Balance column disappears when lists are sorted. The column would no longer make sense.
By the default the current date and the ending balance will be on first line on the list top. If I sort it by clicking the the column date title the order should another way around where the current date will be on the bottom and this still in chronical orders, and the running balance (balance column) should be there! some country want to see the ending balance on the top and some on the bottom.
Sure there are columns total in bottom (Dr & Cr balance) but I need a calculator to know the ending balance
The program cannot cater to every wish for different report formats from every user. You can always copy to a spreadsheet and manipulate as desired. That is why that capability exists.