Backup not working for server edition

@lubos can you try with firefox browser whether the backup button even work? after I updated the said version via docker which I realized you’ve changed the docker script and even the directory for the files changed. :smiley:

Can’t reproduce the issue. Also, server edition is what cloud edition is running on so issue like this would be discovered very quickly. When you say backup button does not work, do you get progress indicator when clicking on Backup button at all?

Import with client Firefox browser, local server, self signed certificate on windows gave a Caddy error and failed for me. Showed 3% progress then no more activity. Looking at server showed Caddy error, no file written to sever directory. I fixed it by closing client browser window and manually copying file to the servers data directory.

Sorry did not collect debugging information

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I’m running the Manager server on docker image which is from cronet Repository. What I did was copy the docker script from gitlab which is using linux version Managerserver.tar.gz. and run the docker pull.

I don’t get any progress indicator or anything like it when clicking the Backup button.

I’m updated to new one because I need the batch printing. which is working and now I understood what do you mean by progress indicator. and nope is not working…


RUN sed -i "s|DEFAULT@SECLEVEL=2|DEFAULT@SECLEVEL=1|g" /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf

ADD /tmp/manager-server.tar.gz

RUN mkdir /opt/manager-server; \
    tar -C /opt/manager-server/ -xzvf /tmp/manager-server.tar.gz; \
    rm -f /tmp/manager-server.tar.gz; \
    chmod +x /opt/manager-server/ManagerServer

# Run instance of Manager
CMD ["/opt/manager-server/ManagerServer","-port","8080","-path","/data"]

VOLUME /data

gonna record the screen and sent via private message to lubos.

The backup button working as of December 2020 before the massive update and fixes in January 2021. It has to do something either the dotnet platform from mono. or the new files within manager directory. That is alot.

Using Firefox version 85.0 I turned off the script blocker plugin within firefox just to make sure is not the one causing the backup button not working.

in docker logs does not have any error. as well. how do you debug? gonna try,

I think I found it.

Manually start caddy from a terminal window not as a service.
Then any Caddy errors are show on the terminal.

Note the clipboard API which is used by the new version of Manager needs https not http access to work on a web browser. Manager does not natively provide https access, which is why I run Caddy. See
Bug with "Copy to Clipboard" - #69 by Patch For testing you can access Manager server from a web browser on the same computer for which htpps access is not required for clipboard API functionality, http is OK.

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ok the problem lies on caddy webserver, it says here

2021/02/03 11:09:51 [ERROR] failed to copy buffer: context canceled,

when I try direct access without the caddy webserver, which is by localhost, the backup button works perfectly,

So I can’t use caddy in full I suppose,