Hi, As I upgraded from windows 7 to windows 8 I backed up my data before upgrading but as I am trying to find now I cannot find my backed up data, is there any way out I can restore my backed up data directly from Manager. Thanks
Where did you backup your data to? In upgrading from Win 7 to 8 did you need to re-install programs such as Manager or are you using the pre-existing installed programs? If you are using the pre-existing installed programs then Manager should be able to open the existing data file.
Well I backed it in my usb but now when inserted My usb I can’t find the backed up data and I have done a clean install of windows…
Have you done a file name search on the USB - using either the business name or “Manager”
Yeah did it I guess the folder with backed up data didn’t get saved in my usb…
Sorry to hear that - unfortunately in Manager you can’t set a default back up path.
It appears that the Backup will follow whatever path explorer last used, unless you change it.
It would be good if both the Application Data & Backup Data paths could be setup under About Manager.
Can it be suggested that you use a service like Dropbox - 2.5 GB free storage. You can keep your live (not backup) manager data files in the local Dropbox folder - these will then be automatically copied to your cloud storage each time you close Manager and are connected to the internet. Good for other important files as well.
Then if you do a clean install again, re-setup your local Dropbox folder and all those saved cloud files would be downloaded and you are ready to go.