
I could not locate this file. Please help

Depending on your operating system and your settings, it may be a hidden file. You can either determine how to show hidden files for your operating system or navigate to the folder by pasting the path into your file-finding feature.

My operating system is Windows 10 Pro. I tried pasting this link in the search window in the “Local” folder, but still the “Manager” does not show.

Hi Tut, thanks, My operating system is Windows 10 Pro. I tried pasting this link in the search window in the “Local” folder, but still the “Manager” does not show.

I’m not a Windows user. You will need to look up how to make hidden files visible in Windows. Also, search the forum. This subject has been discussed before.

Thanks Tut

correct what tut have explained, to make the hidden folder visible. open new explorer window.

  1. Select ‘View’ from top panel menu.
  2. check ‘hidden items’
  3. Navigate to C:\Users(windows user profile)\AppData\Local\Manager

Good evening, acecombat2. I followed your instruction, and in a few moments, I found what I was looking for. Thank you very very much for your help. This is my first time to install Manager and my first time to get help from the Forum. I got more than what I expected.

Thanks Ariff Malik, for your instruction. I was able to locate immediately the file I was looking for. I appreciate very much your fast response. Again Thanks a lot !

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your welcome.