All reports does not indicate base currency as measurement unit

Not sure whether I’m wrong when it comes to completeness of financial report. Usually we have indicate which currency we’re basing on when we generate or write financial report.

In version 18.1.72.

Can it be added under the column date? or to be indicate next to computed numbers.

this is already in the bugs category. even you had posted in the topic.

If you are referring to reports such as balance sheets and profit and loss statements, these do not show currency symbols. That is because in accounting, financial reports are shown in the base currency only. This is why, for example, foreign currency bank accounts are converted to the base currency for financial reports. This is the only way the accounting equation can be made to balance. Therefore, currency symbols or designations just add clutter.

Look at financial reports of publicly traded companies. They almost never have currency indicators. If you really want to indicate currencies, you can enter that information in the title or column headings of most reports.

it does not limit to BS and P&L. I do understand what you meant by ‘clutter’ it still as presentation needed for guidance what it was based on. I have yet seen financial reports of publicly traded companies which we called it here ‘multinational companies’. we have accounting standards in Malaysia of having base currency indicate the numbers in what currency or form as standard measurement.

I did try your suggestion @tut of adding the data in column and it came up undesirable result. The date replaced by abbreviation currency i defined, when I tried adding the date and abbreviation of currency the alignment does not centered, when I use code <div align="center"> This is some text! </div> it does not generate based on the code I keyed in via pdf or print meaning the it won’t align center.

Then I tried using footer works fine as is but still undesireable. Then Final option export the data to excel and adjust it from there which is additional step to adjust the cell alignment and formatting to presentable report.

Which specific reports are you referring to with your various comments above? And have you tried putting the information in the report titles for those that allow titles?



Not limiting reports mentioned. is all of it I tried.

The only method I got hit by the wall. is pdf generate. where the code for center the text is being ignore.

For most of these, you can enter the currency as part of a title. They all, however, convert everything to base currency. Even the Sales Invoice Totals by Customer figures are converted to base currency for customers set up in foreign currencies. By not including currency indicators, Manager is just following normal accounting practice. And you have the option of adding footer information if you feel the need for more.

As for alignment, why not accept alignment to the right, matching placement of the numbers? This is extremely common in financial reports and other spreadsheet-type presentations.

  1. Understand i take it as is.
  2. ‘Normal’ Subject to context for which standard, In Malaysia we have ‘Malaysia Accounting Standard Board’ in short MASB.
  3. Agree I will use the footer.
  4. If you say so then, I do it. Although it would be a bonus if the pdf generator recognise the html code within manager.

In cash summmary, there is no column form for me to add just like P&L and BS. I would much appreciate if lubos add those column form.

Yes, there is. I have the current year and previous four years set up for my Cash Summary, a total of five years.

I’m sorry if I confuse you @tut. What I meant is the column name for me to add Currency abbreviation.

You are trying to add something the report was not intended to include. Even in a balance sheet or P&L, the column headings were not meant to be used for currency designations. They are there so you can label months or years.

Well there is no indication it limits to dates since I can add texts. Besides, I still need the currency designation to show the unit of measurement.

@lubos I like to ask a small favour to add an optional to show Base Currency symbol to all report’s sub-total and total. or is there another way transparently to show the base currency as measurement unit you have in mind. This is of course to cater our accounting standard in Malaysia. It does not consistent when the summary tab has Base Currency shown but not in the reports and some reports like customer statement only that I know of shown the base currency symbol in Totals and Sub-total.

Since all the figures on the report are the same currency, I’m reluctant to even make it an option to garnish every amount on the report with currency symbol. It would look unprofessional and too cluttered.

However, having a note at the end of the report indicating the currency is doable.

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That will help, currently not all the reports have footer available.

@acecombat2, I have been looking, but cannot find any reference by which the MASB requires currencies to be noted on financial reports. Can you provide a link to any such documentation?

look for page 31
‘Identification of the financial statements’ Point 3.23 (d)

and most audited report I have seen in Malaysia denote the currency used as measurement unit for any financial reports as not to confuse between foreign currency in asset and investments for tax purposes or accurate interpretation in value.

Thank you very much, @acecombat2. As you say, the currency of presentation must be indicated for all financial statements. But there is no guidance as to how. The ability to add such information in a footer would clearly meet the requirement.

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Yup that is the reason I asked for lubos’ idea if there is better than what I have in mind. There is no explicitly written as to ‘how’ as you figured @tut.