Adding attachments - Feature - Expense claims

My staff out in the field really love the Manager features and its performance. However they have pointed out one thing that will really make their Expense Claim attachments much easier to associate and upload… and that is if the New Attachment button can be placed next to the Expense Create button. From my view this will allow them in one stroke to associate a file with the expense and then create it, in one fluid entry.

Currently the issue they have is the Expense is first created then they need to search for the one they have just created, then view it, to be followed by clicking the New Attachment button to upload and so on.

Would this be possible? This option will also be useful in other areas of the application like say purchase invoices?

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Check the latest version (17.5.14).

It doesn’t put the button in there but when creating new expense claim, after clicking Create button, you will be transferred to view screen where you can attach any external files. This avoids situation where you have to look for the just created expense claim in the list.


Perfect, the team is pleased! Thank you.