Account Structure

Wondering if there are any plans to expand the structure of accounts. It is sometimes useful to have sub accounts that report to one master account.
eg Motor Vehicle Expenses, would have categories such as: Fuel, Registration, Insurance, Tyres etc.
Not sure how difficult this would be for you.

It would probably need to be an overall change to chart of accounts that allows sub accounts/categories that would be revealed as you drill down ??? This could allow sub accounts in all categories !


This will be covered by Multi-step income statement and Classified balance sheet feature which will be implemented after inventory module is released.


I don’t find any report related to the ledger for a particular Account…should be like statement of credit debit and balance of an Account

You can get list of transactions (debit/credit style) by clicking on amounts on Summary tab. But I agree this is not good enough.

I’m working on a report called General Ledger Transactions which will allow you to get printable report of all debits/credits for given period. This will be available still before end of this week.

Wondering u guys do you work on this feature ? (classified btw counts )

thank you so much for your good contributing!

have a nice day

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and is there any possibility to change the locked counts’ name ?

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I would find it very useful to have a customizable report that combines selected accounts into a single category (really sub-accounts as mentioned above for Motor Vehicles) as well as the ability to select which accounts are included/excluded and filtered by date. I would use it for income tax preparation basically creating a report to match Income Tax software input requirements . I am currently doing this on a spreadsheet. Would the Multi-step income statement module be able to do any of this (customized reports)?

Yeah. I said in December that multi-step income statement and classified balance sheet features are coming after Inventory module is released.

Now that inventory is released, this will be implemented by end of this month or by latest sometime next month.


Hello guys, is there any development about classification to the single accounts ? For example;

Telephone expenses 5EUR

-X expense 3EUR
-Y expense 2EUR
-Z expense 1EUR

I know you have been busy and multi currency was obviously a priority. Just wondering when multi-step income statement and classified balance sheet features are coming and also the multi level expense accounts?

I was actually working on it last month but was unable to finish it within timeframe I set for myself so that feature never got released. I will continue working on it soon again so it can get released in roughly 3 weeks from now.

Check the latest version (14.8.5). Under Settings tab, you can now enable two new modules Multi-step Income Statement and Classified Balance Sheet. This is where you can setup layout for both reports.

Once you are happy with layout, you can set your Profit & loss statement to be Multi-step type and Balance sheet Classified type.

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Thank you very much for the work done on this feature. I’m very pleased.

I have tested Multi-step Income Statement and found something odd. When editing or creating a group, there is a field called total. I noticed this shows the running total of profit and loss after the total of this group. What I found odd is that if the accounts in the group doesn’t have any transaction, then the group won’t be displayed and the total didn’t get displayed as well. I tried creating a group called “Unexpected Expenses” as the last group and it didn’t show a Net Profit (Loss). Is this expected?

Another request. Is it possible to have a breakdown of Cash at Bank and Cash on Hand on the Balance Sheet reports?

Hi Lubos,

I have just tried out this new feature and it is great but there appears to be a final total missing on the multi-step P&L? I have categorised the accounts and when I look at the P&L I have the sub totals for Gross Profit and Operating Profit - I then have one item in Other Income and 2 on Other Expenses but I don’t get a final Net Profit total at the bottom of the report?

Also one other report issue:

Inventory Quantity Movement - there is no total on the Closing Balance column

(I am using version 14.8.22)

Check the latest version (14.8.25) which addresses the issue with missing totals.

You might need to go to Settings, then Multi-step income statement section to review your layout again. I’ve added Totals to be a level above Groups rather than totals being a field on the group level.

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Can Manager create sub-account at P&L and BS?

I really need this feature to breakdown and classified the account at P&L and BS too. When I use MYOB and other software, this feature always be, they 4 level account to describe account group.

You can see below:


          CASH ON HAND
               PETTY CASH
               CASH - 01



No, Manager doesn’t support that many levels yet.

Lubos, I will appreciate very much the add of sub-accounts in account structure to organize PL and BS. I think this feature could potentiate the financial statements to make them ready to be delivered and be understood for the decision makers.


Any update about account structure? Please let me know if you have in mind a release date for this feature, it help me a lot.


I want to introduce sub-accounts by end of this month.

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