Please help me access my account after change in billing details.
Thank you
Please do not divert topics with unrelated questions. That reduces the chance of obtaining answers. Your post was moved to its own topic.
You also need to furnish more information. Are you using the server or cloud edition? If cloud, have you been to this page: https://cloud.manager.io/?
Thank you Tut. Apologies for the mispost, abit desperate for a solution
Am using a cloud version for years, I changed my billing details to a new bank through the link you have indicated. However, when i click ‘pay invoice’, money is not deducted from my bank and am still suspended.
I cannot help with that. I recommend emailing billing@manager.io.
I don’t know if you have allowed for processing time and time zone differences.
@Tut, always appreciate your feedback. shall explore your suggestions.