[16.10.70] Added ability to attach documents to transactions (+local storage)

Thanks for implementing this, Lubos. I’ve been looking forward to this since starting to use Manager and it’s great to see what for me was the final big missing feature arrive!

If I could make one little suggestion though …

I’ve noticed when attaching documents, they get put into the same file system folder as the database file. This is fine, but the original file name is lost, replaced with a seemingly random string of numbers and letters. This makes it impossible to identify what the files are outside of Manager itself.

Although obviously accessing files directly should be discouraged due to the risk of breaking links if something is deleted or renamed, I think it would be beneficial to maintain some means of identifying files within the file system itself. Even if the original file name isn’t maintained (not least because of the risk of duplicates), it would be good if Manager could assign a logical name to the attachment and maintain its extension.

So, when attaching a receipt to a purchase invoice for example, naming it something along the lines of PI_20161024_Supplier_abc123.pdf (where 20161024 is the date, abc123 is a random string of numbers/letters for uniqueness). Similarly, an attachment to a sales invoice could read SI_20161024_Customer_abc123.pdf, a quote SQ_20161024_Customer_abc123.pdf et cetera.

Looking further ahead, will it be possible to run reports based around attachments? I’d like to be able to run something to show all purchase invoices and expense claims that have missing attachments. Also, a report of sales invoices by customer where attachments are missing. I’d presume custom reports could fulfil this if nothing else, in which case is there an up-to-date database schema that I can use to create these reports?

Other than that though, this is great. Thanks again for implementing it.

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