VAT tax calculation error

Just seen the VAT calc on cloning a purchase invoice is miscalculating. See screenshots.
VATable amount $5600 VAT 14.5% should be $812, but Manager showing $709.17.

If I retype the invoice, instead of editing a cloned invoice, then the calculation is correct.

(not seeing an option to upload the screenshots)

Are the amounts on your invoice tax inclusive or tax exclusive? There is a checkbox on invoice form for that.

They are correctly entered. Box not checked. So net amount add VAT.

your first screenshot shows that you have selected the Tax inclusive option whereas the cloned invoice (although i do not see a reason to clone) is a Tax exclusive invoice. so the calculations made by Manager is correct.

where? none of your screenshot shows this amount.

you have not provided any details of your Manager version. on version 21.9.26 the clone function works correctly.

Manager version 21.9.16

If there was no reason to Clone one assumes Manager would not provide that as an option.
It’s cloned because it’s a monthly Purchase Invoice with several line items that don’t change. So I simply have to change the date and update any quantity changes.

you misunderstood. i said i do not see a reason to clone in your case because your first and last screenshots in post#4 do not have the same line items nor the same number of line items.

ok. I had actually deleted most line items for the purpose of sending the screenshot, had I not done so you would have understood why I cloned the suppliers invoice. But the problem was as you said (the tax inclusive check box). The supplier had changed their invoicing from Tax incl. to Tax excl. so when I cloned their previous invoice I was getting a VAT mismatch on the current invoice. Sorry for lodging the issue - I should have spotted it.