VAT Return form / VAT 201 UAE

Yesterday I tried to make VAT return form / VAT 201 using report transformations,
What I did was, I took the script from the Saudia import file and rewrite the code again,
the problems I was facing was

Each company creates tax codes manually that’s why the script code for tax code like DXB 5% (DXB_VAT_5 = "730d67ef-b28e-4a9a-adcc-3daefd8d2158) varies for each company, so we cannot use the same script for different companies

If someone can assist me in solving the issues shall be highly appreciated.

Attached is the final report that i got.

Localisation contain most things set in Manager settings menu including tax codes, custom fields, chart of account entries as well as report transformations. When a report transformation is imported it is the localisation not just the report transformation which is imported. However unlike the user doing this manually, when done via a localisation the GUID are set to specific values defined in the localisation.

As a result the GUID of tax codes used in localisation and referenced by report transformations are fixed and do not vary between Manager businesses.

However I agree it is not easy to test localisation with Managers current facilities.


Actually you can do this:
{% assign dxb_vat_5 = "DXB 5%" %}

Sure I’ll check that, Thanks for the suggestion