VAT Calculation Worksheet - Selecting Cash or Accural

Hello @netconuk
Try to delete report transformation from settings tab and then see weather cash or accrual basis selection is Available or not.

I have just found the same problem using version 22.1.3. Any new [New Zealand] GST report is on an accrual basis, irrespective of the setting under report transformation. Any previous report will revert to accrual basis if edited (or at least, that’s what it says, I haven’t checked if the numbers are actually accrual or cash based). There is no field available to switch between accrual and cash basis in the GST report itself. I vaguely recall a similar problem occurring in an earlier update, maybe a year ago, which I and several others reported. Cheers… Richard

i have created a test business and select country as UK.
and then open VAT Calculation worksheet
and accounting method Selection is present their:-

@Gillrich accounting methos can be Selected when country is Set as NZ>
Country as NZ

My country is set as ‘New Zealand’ (and always has been). I can also select ‘Accrual’ or ‘Cash Basis’ in the Report Transformations for ‘GST Returns’. However, when I create a new a GST report, or edit an existing GST report, it always says ‘Accrual Basis’. If I edit an existing GST report, it will revert to ‘Accrual’ even if it was on a ‘Cash Basis’ before. I think this may be a bug which has occurred, but was fixed, before. Cheers… Richard

Created a New GST Return on Cash Basis

Thank you @Amnipotent. However, I am doing the accounting for a business with over six years of transaction history. Irrespective of your findings for a test business, it does not work for me. I always get ‘Accrual basis’ at the top of my GST report no matter what the setting is under ‘Report Transformation’, and the calculated net amount does not change. As I said before, this same problem occurred once before with an upgrade, maybe a year ago (could have been longer). Cheers… Richard

I uninstalled my current version of Manager, and installed version 21.11.3 which matches when I last did a backup earlier today. However, same issue applies. Irrespective of the setting under ‘Report Transformation’, the GST report always says it is on an ‘Accrual basis’ when I create a new report or edit an old report.

I have now found that if I clone a GST report from an earlier period which showed calculating on a ‘Cash basis’, and change the date range to the new period, the cloned GST report will be on a ‘Cash basis’. However, as noted earlier, creating a new report covering the same date range shows only ‘Accrual basis’ irrespective of the setting under ‘Report Transformation’ for GST. Same date range, but the results are quite different. So, both the heading and the basis of calculation differ.

@Gillrich @netconuk
Make sure you have deleted all Report Transformations.

Then use the VAT calculation sheet under Reports.

Thank you, Rob. In fact, I had worked that out just before your post. The GST/VAT report now has the option to choose Accrual/Cash basis and the results are the same as before. So, in that sense, the problem is solved.

However, I think there is still a latent bug in the way GST/VAT reports are implemented with the new localizations for tax that @lubos may wish to consider. The ‘old’ Report Transformation for GST/VAT Reports must have been auto-generated when GST/VAT reports were first introduced under their own heading [previously, I used the Tax Summary information which has the same data in a different layout]. With the new localizations, it seems the old GST/VAT Transformation Report causes the accrual/cash options drop-down menu to disappear. However, the accrual/cash setting in the old Transformation Report is ignored, so any new GST/VAT Report defaults to ‘Accrual basis’.

It is not obvious this is the cause of the above side effect. I would not have worked it out without the benefit of this forum discussion and much trial and error. It perhaps would have been better if the old auto-generated GST/VAT Report Transformation had been auto-removed when the new localizations were added. Alternatively, a one-time warning could flash up when a new GST/VAT Report was created. There is some sort of residual incompatibility between the old and the new approaches which has the potential to cause errors that might go unnoticed. For example, with my volume of turnover, given I do GST reports only every 6 months, it might be easy to overlook that fact that the ‘Accrual/cash’ switch had disappeared and the default was accrual only.

Cheers… Richard

@netconuk Go to Settings, then Report Transformations. If you have anything there, delete it.

This should fix your issue.

Thank you @Lubos and @VACUUMDOG. That worked.


So, to recap, you needed the same answer from 5 different people in the past 3 days to finally delete what was present in Settings > Report Transformations? Incredible.

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