User Permission List

A suggestion based on my basic understanding on User permissions. The existing permission is very open and hence cannot restrict users based on business needs.

User classification:
Administrator:- Full Access to the business
Accountant:- Has access to all transactions
Sales Manager: Create customers, create quotes and post sales invoices and see all sales invoice by all users
Sales Executive: view create sales quotes only. These users can only view the quotes they created.
Cashier:- See details of payments from customers and suppliers and print cheques after approval from Admin or accountant.
Auditor:- external or internal auditors for viewing of business transactions.

Permissions should be associated with each tab than having one permission for all the tabs.
Eg:- Sales Manager will have view for purchase order but view and create and update for customer/sales order and sales invoice.
Sales Executive:- View customers without outstanding payment details. Create SO and view the ones created by them only.

I guess if we can come up with a good permission structure, it will be easy for the developers to make the necessary changes.

We may be able to come up with a clear specification that is easy to understand, and suits everyone’s needs. It would be an interesting exercise.

However, that doesn’t necessarily mean it will be easy to implement the changes. For example, we can say we want a new train line from point A to B to C. But it still costs a few million dollars and several months for the government to build the train line :slight_smile:

It sounds like you’re requesting:

  • Tab-based visibility (already available)
  • Tab-based Create/Read/Update/Delete (CRUD) (not available)
  • Prevent access to the non-viewable tabs from page links (not available)
  • Easy to use UI to allocate these permissions to a user (partially available)

And of course, the other permission options that already exist, I’m sure you would like to remain:

  • Record-based visibility for Bank Accounts (already available)
  • Record-based visibility for Cash Accounts (already available)
  • Record-based visibility for Reports (already available)