I have seen on the forum here that to update the Manager.IO APP one has to re-download the app from the /download page, which is ok (although suboptimal).
However, I am confused, since the changelog for example rn says to be the latest version, while the download says
The changelog seems behind “reality”
How often do you guys update manager.io locally? Do you pull it from GitHub or from the website?
What’s generally suggested as for update frequency? I tend to forget these things when they are not automated, so I am thinking of setting up some calendar entry to check periodically… really sad there is no inbuilt nudge or so.
We always check before having to work with Manager, in our case that is more or less daily. Before we update we create backups for each business, just in case. We save these backups not only on the local hard disk, but also on a memory stick and more importantly in a cloud storage (synced to the local disk).