Changelog for new versions

Any chance it could be mentioned somewhere what is new, updated or fixed in each update released?

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There are probably around 50 new versions released each month. Changelog is not public because it mostly contains internal stuff like refactoring, cleanups, bug fixes nobody has noticed or enhancements nobody will (probably) notice etc. New features are happening too as you can see on these forums but not every day.

The best way to monitor what’s new is to subscribe to our newsletter at the bottom of and you will receive summarized list of new features, enhancements and bug fixes every month.

I’m sure I’ve subscribed to this newsletter but all I get are emails telling me the latest submissions in the forum. I’ve seen several releases over the last week or two but still have no idea what’s changed, new, fixed, etc. and while I usually download and install new versions on a regular basis I quite often don’t actually notice anything different… I download and update still hoping there’ll be a fix for the multi-currency variable exchange rate!

Is there no way of releasing a changelog detailing the changes, and perhaps making it available just below the download link for the software? It may save me for downloading (almost) every new release! :wink:

I’m sure I’m not the only user who would like to see this employed.

Thanks, Lubos, keep up the good work. I still love this software.


+1 on having some kind of change log or release notes.

I just updated to a newer version but I have no idea what improvements or fixes that had been done.
If there is an enhancement that could possibly improve how I’m using Manager, I would love to know about it.

+1 on the great work.

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I started a blog at

I’m going to write about what I’m working on so it will be good repository of what’s happening on (hopefully) daily basis.

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Quick update:

Our great developer Lubos has created a changelog page located at: Releases | Manager

Many Thanks!

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This changelog link looks broken,
a basic changelog would be really useful to know of any config changes or new features, also to know of any security holes fixed.
I understand not revealing all the minutiae but changelogs are really essential reading for sysadmins running the server edition.

No, it is not broken, just obsolete. That’s the problem with relying on ancient forum postings. Try

This new link is broken too,
is there a current changelog?

New releases are announced on this forum now. You can, in fact, restrict the display to only releases by selecting that option in the dropdown menu at the top: