Unbalanced balance sheet!

what makes trial balance and balance sheet unbalanced in our application ?
total assets is 45,486,318.79 and total equity and liabilities is 45,462,832.27
the difference is 23,486.52 as attached.
there is not any suspense amount !!! and all journal entries are balanced.
please help !

You need to show the edit screen of the report

You could also run the reports for different periods to isolate when the error occurs

With so little information, it is impossible to know. We have no idea what the structure of your chart of accounts is. We also have no idea how you have defined the report; hence, @Joe91’s request. Also, what edition (desktop, server, or cloud) and version number are you using? When did you first notice this issue? What steps have you taken to try to identify the problem? This is like calling a mechanic on the telephone and asking, “Why does my car not run?”

I am using the cloud edition…the last update.
i noticed this issue 2 weeks ago
i doubled check on every journal entry and all suspense amount.

it’s also obviously on the summary.

The edit screen in your last post is for the trial balance and the view screen in your first post is a balance sheet but with a non standard summary called Total liabilities and equity.

The build in Balance Sheet report view screen is as per below taken from a test business with all tabs enabled, where the sub-totals and totals have the standard titles therefore the observation below was made because something in the structure is renamed and changed from standard.

Also please show the Edit Screen of the Balance Sheet report.

Similarly you showed the Edit screen of the Trial balance report but not the resulting complete View Screen.

Hey guys …i found the solution finally …

it’s a total amount of withholding tax.

we used to make a journal entry concerning withholding tax as attached…
however the application is not considering the value of withholding tax added by a journal entry !!!

that is a bug need to be fixed.
wither you don’t allow this account to be visible in journal entries window or you allow the amounts to be included in the chart by a journal entry.

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The Withholding tax Account gets created by Manager under Assets the first time you use Withholding tax see https://www2.manager.io/guides/12346

However the Withholding tax payable Account is created by you or someone in your business. Note that Manager would create the Withholding tax receivable Account also under Assets.

You are advised to follow the guides.

even if we created it…however we did not.
but a journal entry should affect the chart not to be ignored !
this is the point i am talking about.

I can duplicate this.

How is your illustration confirming this bug? there must be a before and after balance sheet to explain

This is the before Balance Sheet:

You are not explaining what account this “Brokerage” account is. I used and Investment Account in same example and have no issues that you reported . So curious what this brokerage account is.

It is a P&L account, but any P&L account or Balance Sheet account has similar effect.

As far as I can see the withholding tax leg of the Journal is not being posted anywhere (not even in Suspense account)

Sorry, I can not replicate the issue. This does not mean it does not exist, I tried and tried to mess it up, but for me it works on balance and P&L account. It properly changes the Withholding tax Asset account and the contra account on the resulting balance sheet statement.

I downloaded the latest version
and the problem is still present.