I am doing simple equity accounting as i am managing a sole proprietor based business. For owner draws, i simply made payments which were posted to Owner’s Equity (Default Account). As described in the guide i wrote “Draw” in description. Now the Statement of Changes in Equity does shows figure for the total draws but when i click that figure, it shows no draw transactions. Please see in the screenshots. Do correct me if i am making a mistake. Thank You.
One thing jumps out that you are doing incorrectly. You have set up a checking account as a cash account instead of a bank account. Cash accounts are intended to include only physical cash (coins and bills). This is not contributing to your current problem, but I recommend you correct this. It is easy to do. See the Guide: https://www.manager.io/guides/11727. The differences are that you will be able to set pending and cleared status for deposits and withdrawals, reconcile your Manager account balance with your bank statements, and import bank statements to avoid manual entries. There are Guides about all those features.
But none of that explains why drilling down from the Statement of Changes in Equity produces no results. Your transaction looks correct. I verified in a test business that the drill-down works correctly when drawings are taken from a cash account as well as a bank account, so the issue mentioned above is not the cause.
What happens if you click on one of the other totals?
I use both Cash account and a bank account. As the business which i manage has a weak administration, most of our payments and expenses are conducted in cash (outside the bank) and only after a certain threshold amount (payments and salaries) are conducted via bank account through cheques. Thats why i am using a cash account for managing that cash apart from bank. I am also managing the bank account and doing all the related tasks of inter account transfers (cash acc to bank acc), clearing, and reconciliation. Is that fine?
Mostly those are single transaction and upon clicking the amount, those transactions are showing correctly… Balance and Profit/Loss Totals are not linked and so are not clickable.
For example if i click this sample transaction, it drills down correctly
The financial result will be the same, but you lose all control and a great deal of functionality. Why do all that you describe outside the program? You are also managing someone else’s business and expose yourself to a great deal of risk if someone accuses you falsely of mishandling money. You will have no valid records with which to defend yourself.
That proves the program is functioning correctly. So there is something about your draw transactions or your setup of the report that is preventing them from being displayed.
Let’s go back to the setup of your chart of accounts. You mentioned in your first post that you are posting draw payments to Owner’s Equity, but also called it a default account. There is no default account named Owner’s Equity. I have been assuming you renamed the Retained earnings account as Owner’s Equity. Is that true? To verify that, please post two screen shots:
The Equity group of your Chart of Accounts page in Settings.
The Edit screen for the Owner’s Equity account.
After you do that, it is worth updating your software. I have been testing with the same version you are running, and it is highly unlikely there was an installation problem. But, there is a newer release (20.10.61) available. So download and install it to see if it makes any difference.
I am beginning to suspect corruption of your program. In many of your screen shots, more than one field or control button is highlighted. That is not normal. When one field or button is selected, all others should be de-selected.
I think there is a bug in manager. As you know putting “draw” in description of a transaction, manager adds these into a self created draw account just to show draw in the statement of changes in equity; probably manager is not fetching draw transaction details into that auto-created draw account.
@FaridKhan, despite my earlier post (now deleted), it turns out I did not discover a bug. I made an error in my test company setup. I am sorry about that. But my mistake caused me to think of something else.
Do you have a start date set in Settings? If so, what is it?
Yeah and i think mine is OK too. Maybe the problem is with fetching the transactions details to draw account. Thank You for the time and effort. All the best