Tracking Code is lovely in Manager as applied We use it for several outlet income tracks but it’s just Profit & Loss Statement We got but needed more then it such as Cash Summary, General Ledger transaction,sales invoices report and the Profit and Loss Statement (Actual vs Budget).
One thing again, When generating the PnL Statement with using it but we concern about the transaction not set in the transaction yet in the tracking code or unspecific. it’s prefer manager figure out the unspecific transaction with adding in one colum automatically so be able to trace which the transaction not applied yet correctly.
Here like Consolidated PnL Statement with tracking code.
| Account → | Outlet A | Outlet B | in House | Unspecified | Total |
The unspecified would be showed up automatically when generating it.
It’s my experience in Manager it’s hard to find them in the thousands of transaction when summing up which transaction is not match
Thank you and would be greatly appreciated