There is an error in the calculation of the "Available Quantity" column

There is an error in the calculation of the “Qty available” column according to the image. The available quantity is 27,125, while it should be 54,625. Please correct the error if it exists, or correct our understanding of the function of this column.

You will need to drill down on that quantity and then provide screen shot showing why you think the reported value is not consistent with your expectations.

i explained above.

You have created a purchase invoice which is showing up on qty to receive column. Either create a Goods receipt for the Qty 27500 or check “Act as a goods receipt” on your Purchase invoice.

Qty available is calculated as Qty on hand minus Qty to deliver minus Qty reserved.


So by that definition, it does show the correct figure.

While the equation is theoretically correct, the result of the calculation is undesirable and illogical.

How is that?

It seems completely logical to me

The Qty on Hand is what you have, the Qty to Deliver is what has been contracted to customers so the balance is available for new customers orders/sales

Where is the error in that?

Do not know why you conclude this. Please read the link that @Lubos posted carefully. Note for example:

  • Qty reserved: If you are using Sales Orders, you can also track Qty reserved
    • Sales Orders increase this
    • Delivery Notes linked to sales orders decrease this

Ensure that you manage your inventory as prescribed and the logic is clear.

if you make LPO and Invoiced It without make good receipt its will be deducted two time one for lpo and th esecond for the invoice, as we know both of them is the same.

Please follow the procedure the software dictates. The Manager procedure is clear, logical and more importantly accurate. Maybe you should change the way you do things.

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What is “LPO” ?

I can’t think of anything in Manager called LPO

Qty on order is flowing into Qty to be available. It doesn’t seem like you have Qty to be available column enabled.

Could it be that you are confusing Qty available and Qty to be available columns?

Qty available column is not affected by purchase orders.