Themes moved under "Obsolete Features"

I use custom themes for a few reasons:

  1. Branding – using our brand colours, fonts, etc. While not strictly necessary for the functioning of our business, I would be very sorry to lose the ability to use our brand colours and styles for our forms.
  2. Positioning custom fields at the top of the form. I understand this can now be achieved without needing a custom theme, although with a quick test I see that the clustering of all fields together is not satisfactory.
  3. Forcing the column header for Quantity to always display as Qty and never as a unit name, to comply with local fiscal device requirements (discussed here). I could change the naming of our inventory items and non-inventory items so that the units are incorporated into the item name, but I much prefer having the units appear in the Quantity column as they do now.
  4. To create an alert and highlight any row using a certain item code. We have two business entities. Let us call them Business A and Business B. Business B has largely replaced Business A, but we still have some old stock in Business A that we sell through our operations in Business B. These items are invoiced separately in Business A, but when we finish a job our staff members usually forget to check and invoice the customer for items from Business A. We have tried several methods to prevent this, but so far the only one that has worked is to create a non-inventory item in Business B called “Business A invoice” and add this to our sales orders for completed jobs. This way, when the staff member calls the customer to tell them the job is completed and what the costs are, the total cost is in one place and nothing is omitted. Our custom theme is built so that every time a staff member opens a sales order or sales invoice with a “Business A invoice” line item, there is an alert and the row has a flashing highlight to remind them to remove this from the final sales invoice and provide the customer with the corresponding invoice from Business A. I concede that it is somewhat crude, and I would be surprised if the developer would accommodate this particular use case, but it works very well for us and we’d have problems if we were forced to stop using it.
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