I am using the cloud version of Manager
I recently had a problem that I thought was resolved.
When I try to send a receipt via email from Manager, I receive the subject message in red.
Having read all the previous correspondence on the issue,
I changed my gmail password,
I then added the new password in the email settings Manager’
I clicked on the ‘Test email settings’ and received confirmation the email was successfully sent.
However, when I went back to the Customer,
Clicked view invoice
Clicked on email
Clicked send - I received the error message - The SMTP server requires a secure connection or the client was not authenticated. The server response was: 5.7.0 Authentication Required. Learn more at
It seems that anytime I leave the Email settings page, the email password is not being retained.
If I go back to Email Settings and click test email settings, I get the same error message until I enter my email password again.
Using “Less secure app access” is a big no no. the chances the sniffer intercept the data and decrypt the data is high. Experienced frequently notification from google that my google account was trying access from different country.
use the app password insert in the manager email setting. it will work.
The reason of error @Mark1 received because google only allows the access if the password is typed in their own website. Oauth login method. Manager doesn’t cater Oauth login method.
if you have the same experienced the same like being access from different country or different devices with using app password. you can dispose of it and regenerate new one. so your master password to access google account only exclusively used on google site.