Tax withholding and transfer procedures

Please provide me with Instruction on withholding taxes from amounts with taxes included, and payment / transfer to tax governmental agencies.

Read the Guides about withholding taxes. Come back to the forum if you still have specific questions.

It activated and configured, and it appears in liabilities as Tax payable.
But where I can register that these amounts are transferred / Paid to the agency. and to remove it from the liabilities group?

Note I am not a accounted.


First, the tax liability account is only a placeholder. You need to create your own.

Second, make a payment and post it to that account.

Third, if you know nothing about accounting, you will struggle endlessly. Spend some time educating yourself so you know what the program is supposed to do. It is only a tool. Try

Dear Tut,

I appreciate your assistance and I am confident that I can overcome this challenge. Every system has its own way of handling different accounting tasks, and that was not clear to me before.