Tax report with no taxable sales for US sellers

In the United States, we need to report a total of taxable sales and Non-taxable sales.
Is there any way to generate a report with this? Currently, the Tax summary report only reports sales tax code and tax on purchases but it won’t show nontaxable (No tax).
This was reported for a user already: "No tax" line item on tax reports

Hi @shootify,

The recommended approach is to create a zero rated Tax Code for no tax transactions.

If you don’t want to bother with this setup, you can still get this information from Tax Audit report.

I originally posted the linked question. Are your non-taxable sales because they are exempt (e.g. food, tax-exempt buyer) or because they are to other states?

If because they are exempt, then the suggested zero-rate tax code will make sure that you are consciously making that decision for each item. You can also set default tax codes for certain line items, customers, etc.

But if it is because they are out of state, then your state is not interested in knowing gross sales to other states:

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we do repairs services which are non taxable and sell buy and resell non inventory items, so i have to show gross non taxable sales (repairs labor) and taxable sales for non-inventory items.