TaxCode doesn’t show up when I import new item. I have to do it manually. How to do it ?
What kind of an item are you importing? And where would you be importing from that would include Manager tax codes?
I was importing items to manager from excel. How to import tax codes when importing new items to manager?
Yeah, but what kind of items are you importing? Inventory items? Customers? Non-inventory items? Employees?
Regardless, how would your source know Manager tax codes? You can’t import something that isn’t available at the source.
I’m importing to inventory items. I have setup a custom tax. When importing items, I put the tax name in the taxCodes field, it doesn’t show up
Two questions:
Have you defined the tax codes?
Where don’t they show up?
Dear @maxon,
When importing anything in manager from excel, some field that are defaults set by Manager (on example Tax Codes, another would be Chart of Accounts etc), the value of that is not exactly the same as the text of the field.
This is how the Tax Field column looks when exported from Manager to excel.
So, as you can see the tax code is db11… something, but in actual the Tax Code is “United Arab Emirates VAT 5%”. So when importing I would have to use db11… something for all inventory items to get the correct tax code.
To do this, please follow these step:
- Create 1 inventory item from your complete inventory list manually in Manager by going to Inventory Items → New Inventory Item and there select the correct Tax code as per your country.
- Export that value to excel, by using Batch Update in the Inventory Listing, and copying the complete text in the grey box given to excel.
- In the Tax code column in excel you will get the code for Tax code. So now just put all your items as per your original list into this excel file and the tax code column copy paste from the first cell which you exported.
- Finally, then open the Batch Update option again in Manager → Inventory Items, then copy paste the whole excel file back. All your tax codes will be updated.
(This would be the same procedure for custom accounts and other fields where the text is not the same as the value of the field).
Hope this help.
Best Regards,
Taher Nomani
I have created a custom tax code
From excel workbook, I add the tax name in the TaxCode
I copy/paste all data from excel to manager
now, from the next screen, tax names doesn’t show up on TaxCode
How to fix it ?
@Taher_Nomani already answered your question. Tax codes are shown in Manager as hexadecimal keys. So you first need to create the code, use it on an inventory item, then look at the update list to see what key is being used for that code. Then you can put that key into your bigger spreadsheet for the main batch update. You cannot use short names you give to the tax codes.
Thank you. It works this way