System.NullReferenceException: Error when sending email

Hello, since the last update I get this error when I want to send an invoice to a client (or myself).
Don´t know how to fix this, any help would be appreciated.

System.NullReferenceException: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at #=zvJ_5AYSuRWx2h5D7IhHYx4y3GLT6G5GXmdMckEN9s5Js.#=zcBixJI$zetm1 (System.Char #=zL6f38OA=) [0x0002a] in :0 
at #=zvJ_5AYSuRWx2h5D7IhHYx4y3GLT6G5GXmdMckEN9s5Js.#=zE4T4OQLYe4oC (System.Double #=zRXlxbB4=, System.Double& #=zobZWkgVS2BPAKsrBAg==) [0x000dc] in :0 
at Apitron.PDF.Kit.FlowLayout.Content.TextBlock.Measure (Apitron.PDF.Kit.FixedLayout.Resources.ResourceManager resourceManager) [0x00119] in :0 
at ManagerServer.Extensions.PdfConverter.GetMinWidth (Apitron.PDF.Kit.FlowLayout.ContentElement contentElement, System.Boolean nowrap, Apitron.PDF.Kit.FixedLayout.Resources.ResourceManager resourceManager) [0x0007e] in :0 
at ManagerServer.Extensions.PdfConverter.GetMinWidth (Apitron.PDF.Kit.FlowLayout.ContentElement contentElement, System.Boolean nowrap, Apitron.PDF.Kit.FixedLayout.Resources.ResourceManager resourceManager) [0x000f4] in :0 
at ManagerServer.Extensions.PdfConverter.GetMinWidth (Apitron.PDF.Kit.FlowLayout.ContentElement contentElement, System.Boolean nowrap, Apitron.PDF.Kit.FixedLayout.Resources.ResourceManager resourceManager) [0x000f4] in :0 
at ManagerServer.Extensions.PdfConverter.GetMinWidth (Apitron.PDF.Kit.FlowLayout.ContentElement contentElement, System.Boolean nowrap, Apitron.PDF.Kit.FixedLayout.Resources.ResourceManager resourceManager) [0x000f4] in :0 
at ManagerServer.Extensions.PdfConverter.Tr (AngleSharp.Dom.Html.IHtmlTableRowElement node, Apitron.PDF.Kit.Styles.Text.Font font, Apitron.PDF.Kit.FixedLayout.Resources.ResourceManager resourceManager) [0x0015e] in :0 
at ManagerServer.Extensions.PdfConverter.ConvertHtmlToPdf (System.String input, System.IO.Stream output, Apitron.PDF.Kit.FixedLayout.PageProperties.PageBoundary pageBoundary) [0x00387] in :0 
at ManagerServer.HttpHandlers.Businesses.Business.SendEmail.Post () [0x001d9] in :0
  • What operating system and version of operating system

  • What version of Manager are you now using (with the error). What version were you using prior to the problem?

What operatingPreformatted text system and version of operating system

I am on macOS Catalina 10.15.4

What version of Manager are you now using (with the error). What version were you using prior to the problem?

I am using Manager 20.5.2 and to be honest I don´t know which version I had before. I update regularly and never had a problem until now.

When I want to export a PDF I get this error:

20.5.2: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at #=zvJ_5AYSuRWx2h5D7IhHYx4y3GLT6G5GXmdMckEN9s5Js.#=zcBixJI$zetm1 (System.Char #=zL6f38OA=) [0x0002a] in <b05e27ad23c442ca8a028abe6f8d022a>:0 
  at #=zvJ_5AYSuRWx2h5D7IhHYx4y3GLT6G5GXmdMckEN9s5Js.#=zE4T4OQLYe4oC (System.Double #=zRXlxbB4=, System.Double& #=zobZWkgVS2BPAKsrBAg==) [0x000dc] in <b05e27ad23c442ca8a028abe6f8d022a>:0 
  at Apitron.PDF.Kit.FlowLayout.Content.TextBlock.Measure (Apitron.PDF.Kit.FixedLayout.Resources.ResourceManager resourceManager) [0x00119] in <b05e27ad23c442ca8a028abe6f8d022a>:0 
  at ManagerServer.Extensions.PdfConverter.GetMinWidth (Apitron.PDF.Kit.FlowLayout.ContentElement contentElement, System.Boolean nowrap, Apitron.PDF.Kit.FixedLayout.Resources.ResourceManager resourceManager) [0x0007e] in <e5a390b21dea4b0f99a50d982b91ddb8>:0 
  at ManagerServer.Extensions.PdfConverter.GetMinWidth (Apitron.PDF.Kit.FlowLayout.ContentElement contentElement, System.Boolean nowrap, Apitron.PDF.Kit.FixedLayout.Resources.ResourceManager resourceManager) [0x000f4] in <e5a390b21dea4b0f99a50d982b91ddb8>:0 
  at ManagerServer.Extensions.PdfConverter.GetMinWidth (Apitron.PDF.Kit.FlowLayout.ContentElement contentElement, System.Boolean nowrap, Apitron.PDF.Kit.FixedLayout.Resources.ResourceManager resourceManager) [0x000f4] in <e5a390b21dea4b0f99a50d982b91ddb8>:0 
  at ManagerServer.Extensions.PdfConverter.GetMinWidth (Apitron.PDF.Kit.FlowLayout.ContentElement contentElement, System.Boolean nowrap, Apitron.PDF.Kit.FixedLayout.Resources.ResourceManager resourceManager) [0x000f4] in <e5a390b21dea4b0f99a50d982b91ddb8>:0 
  at ManagerServer.Extensions.PdfConverter.Tr (AngleSharp.Dom.Html.IHtmlTableRowElement node, Apitron.PDF.Kit.Styles.Text.Font font, Apitron.PDF.Kit.FixedLayout.Resources.ResourceManager resourceManager) [0x0015e] in <e5a390b21dea4b0f99a50d982b91ddb8>:0 
  at ManagerServer.Extensions.PdfConverter.ConvertHtmlToPdf (System.String input, System.IO.Stream output, Apitron.PDF.Kit.FixedLayout.PageProperties.PageBoundary pageBoundary) [0x00387] in <e5a390b21dea4b0f99a50d982b91ddb8>:0 
  at ManagerDesktop.WebView+<>c__DisplayClass2_0.<OnDocumentLoading>b__7 () [0x0028d] in <9e0a6e6d219041dead8bcfc0ac975abc>:0 
  at Foundation.NSActionDispatcher.Apply () [0x00000] in <b9c3e0a95a904a00a3a2d79919ed7018>:0 
  at (wrapper managed-to-native) AppKit.NSApplication.NSApplicationMain(int,string[])
  at AppKit.NSApplication.Main (System.String[] args) [0x00040] in <b9c3e0a95a904a00a3a2d79919ed7018>:0 
  at Eto.Mac.Forms.ApplicationHandler.Run () [0x00047] in <40cf9fb13364488fbbd299fdd3972553>:0 
  at Eto.Forms.Application.Run (Eto.Forms.Form mainForm) [0x0002c] in <bde7c5c6ef914f0288301e4c88419279>:0 
  at ManagerDesktop.Program.Main (System.String[] args) [0x00273] in <9e0a6e6d219041dead8bcfc0ac975abc>:0

@akasha, I cannot duplicate this error with exactly the setup you described. You need to furnish more specific information. You originally wrote “send an invoice,” implying an email. Later, you wrote “export a PDF.” The program will generate PDFs, but not “export” them.

So exactly what triggers this error message? Does it occur for all sales invoices, or only one? Does it occur for other transaction types, or only sales invoices? Is this the entire message, or have you copied only (different) parts of it for your two quotes?

It is better to show a screen shot of the entire message rather than try to copy it.

Thanks for looking into this problem.

It happens whenever I want to generate a PDF, or send an email invoice. I copied the whole text. There are two different error messages shown. See Screenshots attached. The black text one, when generating a pdf (that also freezes the program) and the red one, when trying to send an email invoice.

It happens only for sales invoices - Sales Quotes & Sales Orders work just fine.

Again, all sales invoices, or only one?

Also, are you using a custom theme? If so, does it occur with the built-in, Plain theme?

I just checked, and it only occurs for all invoices from 2020 (old ones and also when I make a new one) - those from 2019 are working fine.

I am using the built-in Plain theme.

What is different about 2020? New logo? Change in business details? Modifications to your chart of accounts? New tabs enabled? New computer? Something must be different to trigger this only for 2020 sales invoices.

I am moving this to the bugs category. But any additional information will help identify the problem.

I did not change anything. And I also did not modify anything. I was able to send invoices up until 17th of april 2020 without problems. Now I can only send them (or make a pdf) for invoices from 2019, I am also not able to send invoices again, that I already sent.

I am able to “print”, though, so I have a workaround for now with just manually sending the invoices. I will let you know when I find out what caused the problem… Thanks for your help!

Of course, on your Mac, you can select the PDF option in the print dialogue box. That will use the operating system’s PDF generator instead of Manager’s. So you should still be able to create PDF’s and email them—just not through the program.

Personally, I doubt you will identify what caused the problem. @lubos (the developer) says this type of error is always a bug. So he will have to identify it.

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i am facing same issue as well

I will need to be able to reproduce the issue. If you can send me business file where this bug occurs to, I will be able to fix this.

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do you mean send you a backup? How can I send a business file from manager?

Yes, that is what @lubos means.

Okay, thank you a lot!

The new update 20.7.84 fixed it. Thank you so much guys!