Supplier Business Identifier plus inclusion on Tax Reports

this is already an idea.

Well, i am not speaking for the printed document, but for the entry forms, that the user uses to enter new data. Right now my custom field about the VAT number is at the bottom, an even if I change it’s order will be far down.

For the Greek invoice,we only need VATnumber, City & Post code to invoice someone, even the name is irrelevant after 01/11/2021 with the new law. So I blelieve we should have the ability to change the order of all fields, or display the custom fileds first, or something like that. This is needed for an international program that will work with local localizers.

okay now i get your point. but i am not sure how easy it would be to implement it.
the present design shows the default in-built fields followed by the custom fields. also, not all custom fields are more important than some of the in-built fields. so the program would need to mix the fields irrespective of the category.

This is doable, I am pretty sure that I can do it with an extension, only in my browser, so I guess the dev could do it much more easilly.

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@lubos I just forgot about this. The Greek translating team has used Business Identifier as the VAT number. VAT numbers are OBLIGATORY for all invoices in GREECE so this change will probably BRAKE all our old invoices.

There should be an option of our old invoices. RIght now all my old invoices are illegal, if I print them again, for any reason. I have above 400 customers, and need, after I change my invoice template, to give them all a new field and enter the VAT number for each and every one of them. This is a colosal task, considering that there is nowhere the old foeld, so that I can copy-paste the number.

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I Just checked and I was right. All our old Invoices will lost VAT number and become Illegal. Probably, there should be some kind of tool witch could copy all the Business’s Identifiers from the old field to a new custom field that the user will set. Users should use sucj a tools before moving to new version. Something like a “field copier tool”.

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these points were already discussed in the topic. I am sure @lubos has noted the issue and working on a solution. so let’s just have patience.

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@lubos what we will do till that time? We will stop issue invoices?
What about the old invoices where the Business identifier were disappeared? This is not a joke, all my invoice are now illegal, or I have to correct every and each invoice by hand.
Meanwhile I will stop working waiting for the solution, because I cannot issue invoices.
Please lets be serious

Invoices have been already issued. Just because presentation in accounting system changes doesn’t mean those issued invoices became illegal. And newly issued invoices will contain VAT number within billing address field.

There is a field on customer form if you set your country to ΕλλΏΎα under Business Details.


Right now, the content of the field shows at the bottom of the invoice but I will write an extension for Greece so it’s appended right below the customer address which will reproduce the behaviour of generic business identifier.

Same here. Business Identifiers like ABN or ACN etc. NEED to be linked to the Business Name.
I also had no compliant invoices over the $1000 threshold after update so rolled back.
Also consideration needs to be given to Recipient Created Invoices.

THIS IS LAW and needs to be fixed now.

The same should happen to Delivery note

@VACUUMDOG the link says:

The record transmitted to the customer needs to contain all information required for a tax invoice.

In other words, tax office only cares about the invoice you have sent to the customer.

All Recipient Created Tax Invoices require both supplier and customer ABN’s.

When an RCTI is valid

To be valid, an RCTI must contain sufficient information to clearly determine the requirements of tax invoices and show the document is intended to be a recipient-created tax invoice, not a standard tax invoice.

In addition it must detail the purchaser’s identity or ABN.

If GST is payable, it must also show that it’s payable by the supplier.

As the recipient, you must:

  • issue the original or a copy of your RCTI to the supplier within 28 days of one of the following dates
    • the date of the sale
    • the date the value of the sale is determined
  • retain the original or a copy of the RCTI
  • comply with your obligations under the tax laws.

@VACUUMDOG if Manager does not supply country-specific field for tax identifier, put tax identifier into address field for business, customer, supplier etc. so it’s shown on invoice.

Does not change the last five years of invoices or all those waiting to be issued.

  • I need to keep a copy of financial records for at least 5 years

  • I value knowing exactly what I have sent out to third parties (Tax office, employees, suppliers, customers).

  • This can be done in Manager by keeping a backup of the program code and business data file however that solution is not really optimal as it requires I set up another computer / accounting system any time I want to check historical records.

  • Manager is constantly changing, which is good in some ways however some what high risk for a live business.

Perhaps there is a better way. The options I can think of are:

  1. Automatic storage of a static document when printing / emailing. That provides a record of what the business actually sent out. It could be compared to the current dynamic document created by Manager at a later date by hand (or computer) if any disputes arise.

  2. Manager utilise a much more restrictive program update release approach, which includes preservation of all historical data and extensive testing prior to general release. Where a major versions update breaks backwards compatibility, user warning and graduated transition is required.

Imo option 2. is not compatible with NG Software, but option 1. may well be achievable.


I agree with than custom field and moving it under business name (have also incorporated the field to my extension for myDATA).

Nevertheless, this does not solve the problem that we have to enter again all the VAT numbers for all customers, or copy paste for 400+ customers for me. And not only that, we 'll have to do it, from an older version of manager brcause they are not availiable anymore.

this is not true. in our jurisdictions we have provision to claim refund on taxes paid arising from supplies made to certain category of customers. this refund can be claimed any time before September month of the next financial year. in such cases we need to present the authorities with an application for refund along with copies of respective invoices. if the tax identifier is not present in these invoices, they are considered invalid since they do not meet the legal invoice requirements.

also, we are required by law to maintain records for atleast 6 years during which period we will need these invoices to be presented to the authorities when demanded.

this is a general requirement and not restricted to Greece. all custom fields related to the customer are supposed to be displayed under the customer details on a transaction. this is already considered as an idea.

It’s quite common that a customer asks for a copy of the invoice.

As Business identifier field is gone, there is no social security number of customers shown on new sales invoices, that is after the Name and before the Address. In my country it is mandatory to have this customers’ social security number of customers on sales invoices. Having this inside the Address field is not very neat.

@lubos, is it therefore possible to have the Code field (containing the social security number) show after customers’ name and before the address on new sales invoices ?