I just started using Manager for our small non-profit organization. We receive both fees and also donations from our “customers” (that is how we classify them on Manager). We need to be able to give a year end report of donations from individuals that donate every month. It just has to be a summary of how much they gave for the year - it does not have to be detailed. But I also need to print this out for our files. Can anyone help?
Just search your Receipts tab listing for the customer’s name and the year of transaction, then copy to clipboard and paste into a spreadsheet. For example, search for “Roberto Gonzalez 2021.”
Thank you - I appreciate your help and that you responded so quickly too. What you suggest will solve my problem (I’m not an Accountant). I’m assuming there is not an easier way to do this? If I put this in a spreadsheet, I would have to do this for each customer, which would be quite tedious. Is there anyway to generate a report that lists all the customers at once? I am used to QuickBooks, which did this efficiently - but I was not willing to stay with them due to their subscription fees.
It would help if you provide an example of what you need to produce with the absolute minimum of information required. for example @Tut’s method will give you an overview of the monthly donations but you indicate you only need to provide totals of each donor for a particular year. You also do not tell us enough about how you currently record these donations and fees.
Forgive me if I don’t speak the right language since I’m not a finance guy.
Donations and fees are recorded as “receipts” and are separated by those 2 designations (“donations” and “fees”). I set up a “custom fields” on the receipt tab that I call “summary of donations” and when I enter a donation on receipts, I also enter it in that field. Then I generate a P & L report. I click on “view” and then click on “donations” to get the summary of ALL the donations made by all of the people. The columns in that report show the following: date, transaction, receipt, bank account, customer, description, credit, balance. To get a report, I do a “search” for a particular customer and it generates a list of all of that particular person’s donations. And in that “summary of donations” field, it sums the donations for the year. But I cannot print this page since Manager won’t let me. I simply need a report that will list the name, date and amount of donations for the year and then also sum them (John Smith, 2/2, $100, sum to date). I hope that all makes sense.
I guess that you mean “number #” of donations, which would imply a count of it. In that instance @Tut’s solution is the best way to achieve what you want.
Try creating a custom report, which allows you to select the custom field(s).
No, actually by “amount of donations” I am referring to the dollar amount of each donation. I don’t need a “count” of how many donations are made.
Thanks Mark. I’m not sure how to do that. Any suggestions?
Yes, read this Guide.
Thanks Mark. I’ll check that out. I really appreciate everyone’s help.
@Edge4417, have you looked at a Customer Statement (Transactions) report?
I tried to make one, but it came out completely blank. Not sure what I did wrong.
I’ve tried the “custom” report, but cannot get it to do what I need. It won’t let me “customize” the columns for “donations.” It has a set criteria for the columns and does not appear that it can be adjusted.
Only works when using invoicing. Receipts and Payments without invoices don’t show.
why not? Manager works like any other browser. when in the desired page, have you tried the print command shortcuts for your OS? for example, it is Ctrl+P for Windows. you could also right click any page and select the Print option from the menu that appears.
If you post the edit screen and the resulting page maybe the custom report experts could lend you a hand.
That probably explains why it won’t work. Thanks.
No, it won’t print. I’m on a Mac and command-P won’t print. Only way to print is to take a screen shot and then open it and print it that way.
Did you allow for pop-up windows to appear, ifblocked you will not get the print option displayed. If the File → Print does not show the print screen either you need to ensure that pop-up is enabled.