Hi, can someone give a simple explanation on how to recognise purchase, vacation and sale of shares.
sorry, valuation not vacation
Manager does not have a dedicated module for handling the accounting for equity shares and not every user agrees on how to best handle it, but this topic may provide you some ideas;
(Most users have also tended to refer to equity shares as “stock” so if you do a forum search try subbing “stock” for “shares” and you should find more results).
The discussion in this thread may assist you.
Note post number 5 in which the developer has indicated that an “investment module” is planned that will cater for share investments
This one
Thank you so much this will be very helpful that you are working on making this seamless for us. An investment tab would be great and provide us with the solution. I cannot wait for this integration. Thank you for listening to our needs.
thank you. appreciate your response.
Good afternoon Patch. Are you able to provide an update on the roll out of the “Investments Tab” I have a busy Trust Account, and I’m really keen to transfer fully to manager.IO.
Thank you
No I am just a user not part of NG Software.
Hi, can we have an update on the share trading module roll out
Still there is no Update on Investment Module @stewartbaillie from @lubos.
Any update will be posted on forum.so stay connected on forum for updates.
If you meant to reply specifically to me, I cannot; I am just a fellow user and not affiliated with the company that produces Manager.