Several sales accounts

I just started a small business and found the Manager. Very nice program!

Now to my question, I must divide sales of spare parts into Estonia, EU and non-EU because there is different sales amounts allowed before I must VAT register. For a simple test, I tried to sell different “spare parts” through “receipts” but then I cant change the sales account depending on customer location.

I looked at several posts with similar questions, for instance

The solution there is to use inventory kits and it works very well but then I have to create 3 inventory kits for each product which makes quite a lot of kits.

Is there a better solution to divide the sales? I seen in the forums some suggestions with special accounts or fields but I did not get it working.

I think that the best would be if it was possible to change the default account in the receipts and other sales menus.

Welcome to the forum @gunfai,

What you need are Divisions where you can create 3 divisions: 1 for Estonia, 1 for EU, and 1 for non-EU.

You can then use these Divisions to assign each Receipt line to a region.

For more details, see the following guide:

In case this breakdown is a part of your tax returns, you might want to create separate tax codes for each region.

You can refer to the following guide for tax codes:

Thank you Ealfardan,

It sound ok to use divisions, but when I read about divisions it say that I need different cash accounts with the example bank account for each division…?

Why is it not possible to change the default sales account when an inventory is sold but it works for non-inventory?

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Just a piece of advice. Rather than reading just create a test business and trial it. You will then discover the pros and cons.

Please share the quote you refer to because that is not the case.


The passage that you may refer to is indeed maybe a bit complicated to follow, it says:

Note: It is not possible to assign divisions to sub-accounts at the transaction level. Sub-accounts include:

  • Bank and Cash Accounts
  • Customers
  • Suppliers
  • Fixed Assets
  • Special Accounts

For sub-accounts, you need to assign the division at the account level because the entire balance of a sub-account must be owned by a specific division. For example, a specific bank account balance is owned by a specific division. You cannot divide a bank account across multiple divisions. Therefore, companies might have separate bank accounts for each division if required.

So what it says:

A single business bank account can still be used, but here’s the key point: If you’re using divisions within your business as you propose then the system won’t let you assign different parts of the bank account balance to different divisions within that single account.

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In reality your case is doable but may not need divisions. There are several things at play: countries and currencies, and taxation. Assuming you operate a single business then you must create in Settings the multiple currencies and more importantly also ensure that the Suppliers and Customers are each assigned to the currency you trade with them. So for a Supplier or Customer using Euros you need to create first the Euro in Settings and then assign this to that Supplier or Customer.

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Ok, thank you, I will set up a test!

Tested and it works fine!

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