Server Edition Update guide

Can someone please let me know how I can go about updating to the latest server edition. Current edition is v 22.7.5
Thank you

The same procedure as the initial installation. Data is stored in a separate directory to the program.

The expertise to do this is the same as the expertise to do the installation (and other preventative maintenance). Licensing for the software lasts for one year.

Given your question and prior maintenance you are likely to find the cloud version better aligned with your requirements and expertise.

As @Patch indicated see guides at Server installation details missing on web - #2 by eko

They will update to latest Server version.

Tried it but still on the old version

Tried what?

If on Linux after the Manager server starting do a reboot of that server using command: Sudo Reboot

I also advised this to you at Email Settings - #5 by eko

Tried the re-install but the version is still the same.

Also rebooted nothing works

Well you are on your own. Please note that at Server Edition -

It says:

Can you help installing server edition?

We do not provide installation service. Before purchase, you are strongly encouraged to start free trial. Server edition works as a custom web-server. If you do not have an experience with web-servers, please seek local IT specialist.