Saudi Arabia

I did, but still not working. The custom QR code is working fine for purchase invoices. I do not know why the sales invoice QR is not working.
I’m working on my main business file, not a test business.

Please check if you have a custom theme for Sales Invoice as it would not display the QR code. Change to the default PLAIN theme.

No, I’m using the plain theme.

Create a new test business and try there what you want to figure out.

I think this is true but I don’t know why that should be the case. That’s extremely weird.

I am trying to get the QR to show in the first page but that’s not possible using extensions because it doesn’t work with themes and you need themes to create a container element with an id at a specific place.

@lubos could you please consider having themes and extensions cooperate instead of compete?

Maybe @lubos didn’t implement the update yet. I think it is just in the localization file.

لماذا حين اقوم بارسال الفاتوره الى العميل بصيغه ملف pdf
لا يظهر رمز الاستجابه السريع على الفاتوره المرسله
هو فقط يظهر على شاشه الحاسوب بداخل البرنامج
ولا يظهر فى صيغه مستند PDF
ارجوا توضيح السبب

Please use English


But Sama was saying that the QR code doesn’t show on PDF. My guess is that its the PDF button.

Support was discontinued for that for quite a while now.

Sorry @Ealfardan but @Sama_marketing should use English on this forum. Not sure about the reason you bailed him out with your answer. Recently the use of other languages than English on this forum is getting worrisome. You as a regular forum user should be able to discourage such. Thanks!

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I wouldn’t say so myself because I gave the answer in English, right? :slightly_smiling_face:

That aside, I think translation by fellow language speakers is a good thing to have in this forum because there are many countries where English use in business is very limited.

Do anyone get the QR as same as the QR work in the localization of Saudi Arabia, I don’t.
The timestamp unavailable.

I wouldn’t worry too much about the timestamp since development is already in progress for that

I’m not worried, I just want to know if it works with anyone.

I think it doesn’t work with you. Right?

I still get the date in the QR but I’ve seen it once before in the extensions and this time the code has changed but I’m sure it’s going to be working in no time if it’s already in the code. That’s my opinion, at least.

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Starting with the latest version (21.11.34), approved changes on localization server flow into released versions. When you see something on localization server, it will still take a day or two before it is available in Manager.

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@lubos how can I deactivate QR from specific invoices or c.notes.
QR is a mandatory in the simplified invoice only and optional for the tax invoice.

I was thinking about this whether to make extensions automatic or whether to introduce checkboxes for it so you can control whether extension should be active or not on specific document.

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That would be great :+1:

Hello @lubos ,
I am not sure if this is answered already or not , but is it possible to restrict users from manually entering invoice number ? ZATCA require us to automate the invoice numbering process and prevent any user intervention.
again sorry if this already been discussed

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