kami selaku pengguna program manager versi server,
ingin melaporkan atau sekiranya pihak developer untuk
memperbaiki dibagian (SALES INVOICE), di negara kami
(INDONESIA) ada yang nama nya field uang dibayar dimuka atau
lebih akrab disebut (DOWN PAYMENt).
Harapan kami, agar pihak developer menambahkan field tersebut di bagian (sales invoice).
we are using the server version of the program manager,
want to report or if the developer for
repair section (SALES INVOICE), in our country
(INDONESIA) there are names in the field of prepaid money or
more familiarly called (DOWN PAYMENt).
We hope that the developer will add the field in the (sales invoice) section.
@uki_nusa, this forum is English only. If you have a suggestion, you should illustrate it by modifying a screen shot. It is not possible to tell, even with @Syed_Salman_Ali’s translation, what you are proposing. Where would this field be? It is possible the information already appears on sales invoices if there has been an advance payment. But if there has been none, it will not appear. See this Guide: Record customer deposits and advances | Manager. Any advance applied will appear in the mini-statement below the total automatically and reduce the balance due.