Our companys base currency is TL. However some of our customers paid in usd. I arranged their customer settings to USD. But I want to see the sales invoice total amount in TL. I manually update the exchange rate USD-TL daily.
How can I see the total amount in base currency?
I saw the ‘total amount in base currency’ setting, it just shows the total in base currency like a note added to invoice. I want to see the amount in TL when click on the sales invoice list.
Their account is in USD so all their transactions are in USD. I’m not quite sure why it would be useful to see their ledger in base currency.
I agree with @lubos that individual transactions denominated in a foreign currency has no business being translated to local currency until they are actually paid and converted to local local currency. The reasons are numerous, for example:
That’s not really the money owed, for example if the US Dollar depreciates and you receive less you can’t really claim the difference. So the earlier translated figures were misleading.
Each invoice is translated at historical rate for tax purposes. I guess that’s not the figure most people are looking for, but that’s the historical rate that should be applied to individual invoices. Whereas the total balance should be displayed in current rates. So the breakdown and totals wouldn’t add up without significant modifications that will increase complexity.
You can always get this information from: A) General Ledger Transactions report, or for a single customer B) Custom Reports using the following parameters:
However, the total balance can still be translated to local currency. For example if we drill down accounts receivable (AR) from the Summary
tab or Balance Sheet
report, we can see that it first breaks down AR by currency and it shows total translated balance like so:
But then if we drill down further to the customer level, we lose the translated balance:
@Sinem_unal, if we had the translated balance showing at the level of customers there would you consider that as a solution?
if we had the translated balance showing at the level of customers there would you consider that as a solution?
it will be perfect if we can see all the amounts in local currency in the list of sales invoices, not customer level actually. I send the photos before. when click on show the total amount in base currency, it noted the total amount according to the current exchange rate. But on the list of invoices it is not mentioned. This info is just hidden in the invoice which appears if only open it.
another solution;
ısnt it possible to create invoices like that;
for example unit price is 5 usd and 1usd=10TL
after writing 5 usd we want to see the 50TL in the total amount of the invoice. not the usd amount.
Agile Solutions via Manager Forum <manager1@discoursemail.com>, 2 Ara 2021 Per, 18:05 tarihinde şunu yazdı:
The use of multiple currencies is quite a bit more complicated than you imply. A sales invoice can only be in a single currency, or its value—and therefore the value it contributes to Accounts receivable—would constantly change. Yet the amount owed by a customer in the foreign currency never changes. However, that value must be converted to your base currency for the Balance Sheet in order to balance the accounting equation. The difference goes automatically to Foreign exchange gains (losses). There is a lot of hard coding involved.
The conversion option that you can show on sales invoices has no financial impact. It is just information, valid only at that moment. So the foreign currency amount is shown when you look in the Sales Invoices tab listing. And the base currency equivalent is shown on the Balance Sheet report. But, when you drill down into Accounts receivable, you can see the breakdown into various currencies. Notably, the figures in the drill-down will change as exchange rates change.
There are needs that seem to conflict. But Manager cannot violate accounting principles for the sake of a convenient display.
thanks for the reply,
more than a visual demand it is very necessary for our daily financial traffic.
We give unit price with usd currency. However most of the customers paid with our local currency. For every order we have to make calculations.
Actually it is very simple just want to see the multi currency totals in one invoice but important for us.
Just for this reason we will cancel our manager.io membership at the end of this month. Thanks for you service.
best regards
Tut via Manager Forum <manager1@discoursemail.com>, 3 Ara 2021 Cum, 02:58 tarihinde şunu yazdı:
That’s not an unusual situation. And there are solutions for that. For credit sales, just match the invoices currency to customers’ payment currency. You can achieve this by setting a currency for each customer.
If your dealing in cash, you can set up two customers:
- TL Cash customer
- USD Cash customer
And for USD customers you can check this box:
If you have a good business case for why this setup doesn’t solve your problem you can lay out your use case so the mods and developer can judge its merit and maybe promote it to ideas.
Don’t worry, some like @Sinem_unal want to leave and that is ok.
pls explain how can ı see the total balance in local currency? I couldnt find how to arrange these parameters?
Agile Solutions via Manager Forum <manager1@discoursemail.com>, 2 Ara 2021 Per, 18:05 tarihinde şunu yazdı:
Total balance of what?
total balance of each customers dept. You mentioned below, the total balance can still be translated to local currency. Could you pls explain how can I do that in detail?
Tut via Manager Forum <manager1@discoursemail.com>, 23 Ara 2021 Per, 17:02 tarihinde şunu yazdı:
I believe that this is possible through a custom theme, as regard to the invoice itself.
You can find a programmer that will make the invoice as you like. That custom invoice could use the exchange rate and calculate the TL on the invoice.
All this regarding the printed document and not Manager’s menus.
No, @AntonisV, you cannot do that. Custom themes cannot display variables not already present. They cannot perform calculations using other variables, even if present elsewhere in the database.
@Sinem_unal, what do you mean by “customer dept?” Manager does not use that terminology for anything.
Honestly, you seem keep asking the same questions without paying attention to the answers.
First off all, you need to create an invoice for each sales which you can then copy to a receipt.
At the bottom of the sales invoice edit form there’s a checkbox that says Total Amount in Base Currency. (See last checkbox)
So whenever you’re unsure whether the customer will pay in TL or USD, just invoice them in USD and later you can accept payments in either TL or USD.
The payment will be one click away:
To my understanding, your issue is regarding collecting cash in multiple currencies at the point of sale, so this should sort you out.
If on the other hand, you’re looking for payments of multiple credit invoices, I can’t see why can’t there be a Total Amount in Base Currency in customer statements as well. I think that’d be a good idea.
Because customer statements are based on invoiced amounts and may have receipts on which amounts received in one currency were forced to match the received amount in another currency, thereby establishing an exchange rate for that transaction alone. Meanwhile, other invoices and receipts could have other effective exchange rates. And then there is a global exchange rate in effect on the day of the statement. And so on, and so on. So a total amount in base currency on a statement would not mean anything.
Of course. I agree with everything you say, but I am not looking for manager to do “accounting translation” on Customer Statements
. I’m just asking for it to apply the standard foreign currency rate at the date of the statement at the surface level without any effects on the GL.
Of course, there are risks involved like:
- Not having your exchange rates up-to-date
- This conversion may be taken by some as confirmation that the legal currency is now the base currency when it’s not
But, I believe users should be aware of these risks before checking the box and perhaps a little disclaimer after the converted amounts could disburse any confusion regarding the legal nature of this conversion – although I know everybody by now can infer that the philosophy of Manager would pass on doing anything that needs to be disclaimed – but the idea is still there and up for debate.
I meant on the invoice. It can be done, using programing. Furthermore, to be able to make something like that on the invoices list, it would need a custom field, and an extension. So probably a developer could be hired and make it.
On the simpler side, this can be done only with a custom invoice field, that will be manually updated for every invoice, and then set to be shown as column.
To add to what I wrote @Sinem_unal, here you can learn how to make and use custom fields.
You can make such a field and update it for each invoice manually. Then you can set that field to show a column.
If you want to automate that, you have to hire a Web Developer to make you a Manager extension, assuming you 're not a developer.
This is incorrect. As @Tut says calculations such as multiplying variables can not be done in Custom themes. Maybe I am wrong and it would therefore help if you can show us the edit screen of a Custom theme where you did a calculation with Manager variables and also the screen result, thanks.